Commit e377fbf5 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- Changed deprecated permission procs to new versions for Malte

parent b4d0dc4d
......@@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ ad_proc -public im_cc_read_p {
{-cost_type_id 0}
{-privilege ""}
} {
Returns "1" if the user can read the global "company" CC
Returns "1" if the user can read the CC
} {
# User can read all CCs if no Profit Center Controlling is installed
set pcenter_p [util_memoize [list db_string pcent "select count(*) from apm_packages where package_key = 'intranet-cost-center'"]]
......@@ -447,6 +447,46 @@ ad_proc -public im_cc_read_p {
return [string equal "t" $true_false]
ad_proc -public im_cc_write_p {
{-user_id 0}
{-cost_center_id 0}
{-cost_type_id 0}
{-privilege ""}
} {
Returns "1" if the user can write the CC
} {
# User can read all CCs if no Profit Center Controlling is installed
set pcenter_p [util_memoize [list db_string pcent "select count(*) from apm_packages where package_key = 'intranet-cost-center'"]]
if {"" == $cost_center_id} { return 1 }
if {!$pcenter_p} { return 1 }
im_security_alert_check_integer -location "im_cc_read_p: user_id" -value $user_id
im_security_alert_check_integer -location "im_cc_read_p: cost_type_id" -value $cost_type_id
im_security_alert_check_integer -location "im_cc_read_p: cost_center_id" -value $cost_center_id
im_security_alert_check_alphanum -location "im_cc_read_p: privilege" -value $privilege
# Deal with exceptions
if {0 == $user_id} { set user_id [ad_conn user_id] }
if {0 == $cost_center_id} { set cost_center_id [im_cost_center_company] }
if {0 != $cost_type_id} {
set privilege [util_memoize [list db_string priv "
select write_privilege
from im_cost_types
where cost_type_id in (select * from im_sub_categories($cost_type_id))
" -default ""]]
if {"" == $privilege} { set privilege "fi_write_all" }
set true_false [util_memoize [list db_string company_cc_read "select im_object_permission_p($cost_center_id, $user_id, '$privilege')" -default f] 60]
if {"t" eq $true_false} { return 1 }
set true_false [util_memoize [list im_cost_center_write_p_helper $cost_center_id $cost_type_id $user_id] 60]
return [string equal "t" $true_false]
ad_proc -public im_cost_center_write_p {
......@@ -188,8 +188,8 @@ ad_proc -public im_cost_permissions {user_id cost_id view_var read_var write_var
# -----------------------------------------------------
# Cost Center permissions - check if the user has read permissions
# for this particular cost center
set cc_read [im_cc_read_p $cost_center_id $cost_type_id $user_id]
set cc_write [im_cc_write_p $cost_center_id $cost_type_id $user_id]
set cc_read [im_cc_read_p -user_id $user_id -cost_center_id $cost_center_id -cost_type_id $cost_type_id]
set cc_write [im_cc_write_p -user_id $user_id -cost_center_id $cost_center_id -cost_type_id $cost_type_id]
set can_read [expr [im_permission $user_id view_costs] || [im_permission $user_id view_invoices]]
set can_write [expr [im_permission $user_id add_costs] || [im_permission $user_id add_invoices]]
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