Commit 5c61e009 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

-- added links to export SQL's, provided additional CSV samples, fixed issue with US no. parser

parent fbfe42c1
......@@ -323,9 +323,13 @@ ad_proc -public im_csv_import_parser_number_american {
{-parser_args "" }
} {
Parses a European number format like '20.000,00' as twenty thousand
Validates a US number format
} {
set result [string map -nocase {"," ""} $result]
if {[catch {
set result [lc_parse_number $arg "en_US"]
} err_msg]} {
return [list "" "Error parsing American number format: '$arg'"]
return [list $result ""]
"91239";"2015-07-09 00:00:00+02";"EUR";"Created";"Expense Item";"240.50";"0.00";"2017_0004s";"Trip Munich-Rome";"tresfonds";"";"";"Own Car";"t";"100.00";"Cash";"internal";"";"91259";
"Expense Bundle XYZ";"2015-09-22 10:16:20.595019+02";"EUR";"2017_0004";"Created";"Expense Bundle";"1163.73";"0.00";"Trip: Munich-Rome";"internal";"";"91259";
"person";"";"im_project";"2015_0001 Test Project";"Project Manager";"80";
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -27,4 +27,22 @@ set page_title [lang::message::lookup "" intranet-csv-import.Upload_file "Upload
set context_bar [im_context_bar "" $page_title]
set main_navbar_label [im_csv_import_label_from_object_type -object_type $object_type]
# Get CSV Export links
db_1row get_report_ids "
(select report_id from im_reports where report_name = 'Export Persons') as report_id_export_persons,
(select report_id from im_reports where report_name = 'Export Companies') as report_id_export_companies,
(select report_id from im_reports where report_name = 'Export Projects') as report_id_export_projects,
(select report_id from im_reports where report_name = 'Export Tasks') as report_id_export_tasks,
(select report_id from im_reports where report_name = 'Export Project-Task Relationships') as report_id_export_project_task_relationships,
(select report_id from im_reports where report_name = 'Export Finance Documents') as report_id_export_finance_documents,
(select report_id from im_reports where report_name = 'Export Invoice Items') as report_id_export_invoice_items,
(select report_id from im_reports where report_name = 'Export Expense Bundles') as report_id_export_expense_bundles,
(select report_id from im_reports where report_name = 'Export Expense Items') as report_id_export_expense_items,
(select report_id from im_reports where report_name = 'Export Hours') as report_id_export_hours
from dual
if { "" eq $return_url } { set return_url "/intranet-csv-import/" }
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