Commit 5f7422e4 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- Moved parser procs into a separate file

parent b8aa3e22
# /packages/intranet-cvs-import/tcl/intranet-cvs-import-procs.tcl
# Copyright (C) 2011 ]project-open[
# All rights reserved. Please check
# for details.
ad_library {
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Parsers that convert a string into SQL format.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ad_proc -public im_csv_import_parser_no_change {
{-parser_args "" }
} {
Dummy parser without transformation
} {
return [list $arg ""]
ad_proc -public im_csv_import_parser_user_name {
{-parser_args "" }
} {
Returns a user_id from parties
} {
if {[regexp {'} $arg match]} {
set err "Found a email (email) with single quote, consider removing single quotes from emails"
im_security_alert -location "im_csv_import_parser_project_nr" -message $err -value $arg
return [list $arg $err]
set sql "
select party_id
from parties p
where lower( = lower('$arg')
set party_id [db_string party_id_from_name $sql -default ""]
set err ""
if {"" == $party_id} { set err "Didn't find user with email ='$arg'" }
return [list $party_id $err]
ad_proc -public im_csv_import_parser_company_name {
{-parser_args "" }
} {
Returns a company_id from im_companies
} {
if {[regexp {'} $arg match]} {
set err "Found a company name ($arg) with single quote, consider removing single quotes from companies"
im_security_alert -location "im_csv_import_parser_project_nr" -message $err -value $arg
return [list $arg $err]
set sql "
select min(c.company_id)
from im_companies c
where c.company_name = '$arg'
set company_id [db_string company_id_from_name $sql -default ""]
set err ""
if {"" == $company_id} { set err "Didn't find company with company_name ='$arg'" }
return [list $company_id $err]
ad_proc -public im_csv_import_parser_project_nr {
{-parser_args "" }
} {
Returns a project_id from project_nr
} {
if {[regexp {'} $arg match]} {
set err "Found a Project Nr with single quote"
im_security_alert -location "im_csv_import_parser_project_nr" -message $err -value $arg
return [list $arg $err]
set sql "
select min(p.project_id)
from im_projects p
where p.project_nr = '$arg'
set project_id [db_string project_id_from_nr $sql -default ""]
set err ""
if {"" == $project_id} { set err "Didn't find project with project_nr='$arg'" }
return [list $project_id $err]
ad_proc -public im_csv_import_parser_date_european {
{-parser_args "" }
} {
Parses a European date format like '08.06.2011' as the 8th of June, 2011
} {
if {[regexp {^(.+)\.(.+)\.(....)$} $arg match dom month year]} {
if {1 == [string length $dom]} { set dom "0$dom" }
if {1 == [string length $month]} { set dom "0$month" }
return [list "$year-$month-$dom" ""]
return [list "" "Error parsing European date format '$arg': expected ''. If the error remains, try to import ANSI dates (2015-01-01) and set parser to 'No change'"]
ad_proc -public im_csv_import_parser_date_european_dashes {
{-parser_args "" }
} {
Parses a European date format like '08/06/2011' as the 8th of June, 2011
} {
if {[regexp {^(.+)/(.+)/(....)$} $arg match dom month year]} {
if {1 == [string length $dom]} { set dom "0$dom" }
if {1 == [string length $month]} { set dom "0$month" }
return [list "$year-$month-$dom" ""]
return [list "" "Error parsing European date format '$arg': expected 'dd/mm/yyyy' ()"]
ad_proc -public im_csv_import_parser_date_american {
{-parser_args "" }
} {
Parses a American date format like '12/31/2011' as the 31st of December, 2011
} {
if {[regexp {^(.+)\/(.+)\/(....)$} $arg match month dom year]} {
if {1 == [string length $dom]} { set dom "0$dom" }
if {1 == [string length $month]} { set dom "0$month" }
return [list "$year-$month-$dom" ""]
return [list "" "Error parsing American date format '$arg': expected ''"]
ad_proc -public im_csv_import_parser_number_european {
{-parser_args "" }
} {
Parses a European number format like '20.000,00' as twenty thousand
} {
set result [string map -nocase {"." ""} $arg]
set result [string map -nocase {"," "."} $result]
return [list $result ""]
ad_proc -public im_csv_import_parser_number_american {
{-parser_args "" }
} {
Parses a European number format like '20.000,00' as twenty thousand
} {
set result [string map -nocase {"," ""} $result]
return [list $result ""]
ad_proc -public im_csv_import_parser_category {
{-parser_args "" }
} {
Parses a category into a category_id
} {
# Empty input - empty output
if {"" == $arg} { return [list "" ""] }
# Parse the category
set result [im_id_from_category $arg $parser_args]
if {"" == $result} {
return [list "" "Category parser: We did not find a value='$arg' in category type '$parser_args'."]
} else {
return [list $result ""]
ad_proc -public im_csv_import_parser_cost_center {
{-parser_args "" }
} {
Parses a cost center into a cost_center_id
} {
# Empty input - empty output
if {"" == $arg} { return [list "" ""] }
# Parse the category
set arg [string trim [string tolower $arg]]
set ccids [db_list ccid1 "
select cost_center_id
from im_cost_centers
where lower(cost_center_code) = :arg OR
lower(cost_center_label) = :arg OR
lower(cost_center_name) = :arg order by cost_center_id
set result [lindex $ccids 0]
if {"" == $result} {
return [list "" "Cost Center parser: We did not find any cost center with label, code or name matching the value='$arg'."]
} else {
return [list $result ""]
ad_proc -public im_csv_import_parser_hard_coded {
{-parser_args "" }
} {
Empty parser - returns the argument
} {
return [list $arg ""]
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