Commit 649c6404 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

-- removed Dynfield stuff, remove old log file, add log output

parent be6eb7fe
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ ad_page_contract {
{ ns_write_p "" }
{ write_log_p 1 }
{ merge_p 1 }
{ test_run_p 1 }
{ test_run_p 0 }
{ output_device_log "screen"}
......@@ -69,11 +69,24 @@ set current_user_id [auth::require_login]
set page_title [lang::message::lookup "" intranet-cvs-import.Upload_Objects "Upload Objects"]
set context_bar [im_context_bar "" $page_title]
set sync_cost_item_immediately_p [parameter::get_from_package_key -package_key intranet-timesheet2 -parameter "SyncHoursImmediatelyAfterEntryP" -default 1]
set path_tmp "[parameter::get -package_id [apm_package_id_from_key intranet-filestorage] -parameter "TmpPathUnix" -default 60]/import-im-hour-log.txt"
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Remove old log file
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if {[catch {
file delete $path_tmp
} err_msg]} {
global errorInfo
ns_log Error "Error deleting old logfile: " $errorInfo
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Check and open the file
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if {![file readable $import_filename]} {
ad_return_complaint 1 "Unable to read the file '$import_filename'. <br>
Please check the file permissions or contact your system administrator.\n"
......@@ -103,41 +116,6 @@ set values_list_of_lists [im_csv_get_values $lines_content $separator]
# ad_return_complaint 1 "<pre>[array get column]<br>[array get map]<br>[array get parser]<br>[array get parser_args]<br>$header_fields</pre>"
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Get DynFields
# Determine the list of actually available fields.
set mapped_vars [list "''"]
foreach k [array names map] {
lappend mapped_vars "'$map($k)'"
set dynfield_sql "
select distinct
w.widget as tcl_widget,
substring(w.parameters from 'category_type \"(.*)\"') as category_type
from im_dynfield_widgets w,
im_dynfield_attributes a,
acs_attributes aa
where a.widget_name = w.widget_name and
a.acs_attribute_id = aa.attribute_id and
aa.object_type in ('im_hours') and
(also_hard_coded_p is null OR also_hard_coded_p = 'f') and
-- Only overwrite DynFields specified in the mapping
aa.attribute_name in ([join $mapped_vars ","])
set attribute_names [db_list attribute_names "
select distinct
from ($dynfield_sql) t
order by attribute_name
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Render Result Header
......@@ -188,10 +166,6 @@ foreach csv_line_fields $values_list_of_lists {
set hour_id ""
set conf_object_id ""
foreach attribute_name $attribute_names {
set $attribute_name ""
foreach j [array names column] {
......@@ -346,7 +320,7 @@ foreach csv_line_fields $values_list_of_lists {
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Check if there are hours booked for that day
set hours [db_string get_hours "
set hours_before [db_string get_hours "
select coalesce(h.hours,0) as hours
from im_hours h
......@@ -355,66 +329,36 @@ foreach csv_line_fields $values_list_of_lists {
h.project_id = :target_project_id
" -default ""]
if { $hours > 0 && $merge_p } {
if { $hours_before > 0 && $merge_p } {
# Update
im_write_log $output_device_log $write_log_p "<li>Merging hours: project_id: $target_project_id, user_id: $user_id, day: $day</li>\n"
if { !$test_run_p } { db_dml sql "update im_hours h set (hours, note) values (h.hours + :hours, h.note || ', ' || :note) where h.project_id = :target_project_id and h.user_id = :user_id and = :day" }
} elseif { $hours > 0 && !$merge_p } {
if { !$test_run_p } {
im_write_log $output_device_log $write_log_p "<li>Updating ...</li>\n"
db_dml sql "update im_hours h set (hours, note) values (h.hours + :hours_before, h.note || ', ' || :note) where h.project_id = :target_project_id and h.user_id = :user_id and = :day"
} elseif { $hours_before > 0 && !$merge_p } {
# Overwrite
im_write_log $output_device_log $write_log_p "<li>Overwrite hours: project_id: $target_project_id, user_id: $user_id, day: $day</li>\n"
if { !$test_run_p } { db_dml sql "update im_hours h set (hours, note) values (:hours, :note) where h.project_id = :target_project_id and h.user_id = :user_id and = :day" }
} elseif { $hours == 0 } {
if { !$test_run_p } {
im_write_log $output_device_log $write_log_p "<li>Updating ...</li>\n"
db_dml sql "update im_hours h set (hours, note) values (:hours, :note) where h.project_id = :target_project_id and h.user_id = :user_id and = :day"
} elseif { $hours_before == 0 } {
# create im_hours record
if { !$test_run_p } {
if {[catch {
im_write_log $output_device_log $write_log_p "<li>Create new hour record: project_id: $target_project_id, user_id: $user_id, day: $day</li>\n"
db_dml insert_hour "insert into im_hours (user_id,project_id,day,hours,note) values (:user_id,:target_project_id,:day,:hours,:note)"
} err_msg]} {
global errorInfo
ns_log Error $errorInfo
im_write_log $output_device_log $write_log_p "<li>Merging hours: <font color=red>Conf Object exists, skipping project_id: $target_project_id, user_id: $user_id, day: $day</font></li>\n"
im_write_log $output_device_log $write_log_p "<li>Create hour record: <font color=red>Error: insert failed for $target_project_id, user_id: $user_id, day: $day - $errorInfo</font></li>\n"
im_write_log $output_device_log $write_log_p "<li>Merging hours: project_id: $target_project_id, user_id: $user_id, day: $day</li>\n"
} else {
im_write_log $output_device_log $write_log_p "<li><font color=red>Error: not writing anything for: $target_project_id, user_id: $user_id, day: $day</font></li>\n"
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Import DynFields
set im_hours_dynfield_updates ""
set im_hours_updates {}
array unset attributes_hash
array set attributes_hash {}
db_foreach store_dynfiels $dynfield_sql {
ns_log Notice "import-im_hours: name=$attribute_name, otype=$object_type, table=$table_name"
# Avoid storing attributes multipe times into the same table.
# Sub-types can have the same attribute defined as the main type, so duplicate
# DynField attributes are OK.
set key "$attribute_name-$table_name"
if {[info exists attributes_hash($key)]} {
ns_log Notice "import-im_hours: name=$attribute_name already exists."
set attributes_hash($key) $table_name
lappend im_hours_dynfield_updates "$attribute_name = :$attribute_name"
im_write_log $output_device_log $write_log_p "<li>Going to update im_hours DynFields.\n"
if {"" != $im_hours_dynfield_updates} {
set hours_update_sql "
update im_hours set
[join $im_hours_dynfield_updates ",\n\t\t"]
where = :day and
h.user_id = :user_id
h.project_id = :target_project_id
if {[catch {
db_dml hours_dynfield_update $hours_update_sql
} err_msg]} {
im_write_log $output_device_log $write_log_p "<li><font color=brown>Warning: Error updating im_hours dynfields:<br><pre>$err_msg</pre></font></li>\n"
if {$sync_cost_item_immediately_p} {
# Update the affected project's cost_hours_cache and cost_days_cache fields,
......@@ -442,8 +386,6 @@ im_write_log $output_device_log $write_log_p "<A HREF=$return_url>Return</A>\n"
if { "screen" == $output_device_log && $write_log_p } {
im_write_log $output_device_log $write_log_p [im_footer]
} elseif {"screen" != $output_device_log && $write_log_p } {
set path_tmp [parameter::get -package_id [apm_package_id_from_key intranet-filestorage] -parameter "TmpPathUnix" -default 60]
set path_tmp "$path_tmp/import-im-hour-log.txt"
ad_return_top_of_page "
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