Commit c3cab87c authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- Added code in order to produce an error message depending

  on whether a profile name was specifiecd wrong, or because
  the user doesn't have permissions to use it
parent a25dad1a
...@@ -217,14 +217,24 @@ foreach csv_line_fields $values_list_of_lists { ...@@ -217,14 +217,24 @@ foreach csv_line_fields $values_list_of_lists {
set $attribute_name "" set $attribute_name ""
} }
# Get all profiles in the system and store them in an array # List of all profiles in the system
foreach profile_tuple [im_profile::profile_options_all -translate_p 0] { foreach profile_tuple [im_profile::profile_options_all] {
set profile_name [lindex $profile_tuple 0]
regsub -all {\[} $profile_name {} profile_name
regsub -all {\]} $profile_name {} profile_name
set profile_all_arr($profile_name) [lindex $profile_tuple 1]
# List of profiles managable for the current user
foreach profile_tuple [im_profile::profile_options_managable_for_user $current_user_id] {
set profile_name [lindex $profile_tuple 0] set profile_name [lindex $profile_tuple 0]
regsub -all {\[} $profile_name {} profile_name regsub -all {\[} $profile_name {} profile_name
regsub -all {\]} $profile_name {} profile_name regsub -all {\]} $profile_name {} profile_name
set profile_arr($profile_name) [lindex $profile_tuple 1] set profile_arr($profile_name) [lindex $profile_tuple 1]
} }
# Get all Departments # Get all Departments
set sql "select cost_center_id, cost_center_name from im_cost_centers where department_p = 't'" set sql "select cost_center_id, cost_center_name from im_cost_centers where department_p = 't'"
db_foreach r $sql { db_foreach r $sql {
...@@ -504,7 +514,13 @@ foreach csv_line_fields $values_list_of_lists { ...@@ -504,7 +514,13 @@ foreach csv_line_fields $values_list_of_lists {
} }
} else { } else {
if {$ns_write_p} { ns_write "<li><font color=red>Error: Error adding user to profile: >>${profile}<< - Profile not found</font></li>" }
if {[info exists profile_all_arr($profile)]} {
if {$ns_write_p} { ns_write "<li><font color=red>Error: Error adding user to profile: '${profile}': You (user '[acs_object_name $current_user_id]') have no permission to add a user to profile ${profile}</font></li>" }
} else {
if {$ns_write_p} { ns_write "<li><font color=red>Error: Error adding user to profile: '${profile}': Profile doesn't exist</font></li>" }
} }
} }
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