Commit f21860dc authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

-- Improvements and extensions

parent 30a788e6
......@@ -20,6 +20,32 @@ ad_library {
# - Parser arguments (important for im_category type)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ad_proc -public im_csv_import_guess_im_expense { } {} {
set mapping {
{expense_name "Cost Name" no_change ""}
{expense_date "Expense Date" date ""}
{effective_date "Effective Date" date ""}
{expence_currency "Expense Currency" no_change ""}
{cost_type_id "Cost Type" category "Intranet Cost Type"}
{cost_type "Cost Type" category "Intranet Cost Type"}
{cost_status_id "Cost Status" category "Intranet Cost Status"}
{amount "Amount" number ""}
{vat "VAT" number ""}
{note "Note" no_change ""}
{external_company_name "External Company Name" no_change "" }
{external_company_vat_number "External Vat Nr." no_change "" }
{receipt_reference "Receipt Reference" no_change "" }
{expense_type_id "Expense Type" category "Intranet Expense Type" }
{billable_p "Billable?" boolean ""}
{reimbursable "Reimbursable" number ""}
{expense_payment_type_id "Expense Payment Type" category "Intranet Expense Payment Type" }
{customer_id "Customer" company_name ""}
{provider_id "Provider" user_name ""}
{bundle_id_old "Bundle Id Old" no_change ""}
return $mapping
ad_proc -public im_csv_import_guess_im_expense_bundle { } {} {
set mapping {
......@@ -27,7 +53,7 @@ ad_proc -public im_csv_import_guess_im_expense_bundle { } {} {
{expense_date "Expense Date" date ""}
{effective_date "Effective Date" date ""}
{expence_currency "Expense Currency" no_change ""}
{parent_nrs "Parent Nrs." project_parent_nrs "" }
{project_nr "Project Nr" project_parent_nrs "" }
{cost_type_id "Cost Type" category "Intranet Cost Type"}
{cost_type "Cost Type" category "Intranet Cost Type"}
{cost_status "Cost Status" category "Intranet Cost Status"}
......@@ -42,6 +68,7 @@ ad_proc -public im_csv_import_guess_im_expense_bundle { } {} {
return $mapping
ad_proc -public im_csv_import_guess_rels { } {} {
set mapping {
{object_type_one "Object Type One" no_change "" }
......@@ -124,6 +124,32 @@
<if @object_type@ eq im_expense>
<table cellpadding="5" cellspacing="5" border="0">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
<td valign="top"><input type="checkbox" name="overwrite_existing_expense_item_attributes_p" value="1">&nbsp;</td>
<td valign="top"><strong>Should already existing expense attributes be overwritten?</strong><br/>Check to overwrite.</td>
<h2>Please note:</h2>
......@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ foreach csv_line_fields $values_list_of_lists {
# Create a new company if necessary
if {"" == $company_id} {
if {$ns_write_p} { ns_write "<li>Going to create company: name='$company_name'\n" }
if {$ns_write_p} { ns_write "<li><font color=green>Going to create company: name='$company_name'</li>" }
if {[catch {
This diff is collapsed.
# /packages/intranet-csv-import/www/import-im_expense_bundle.tcl
# ToDo:
# - provider_name not shown in expense_bundle
ad_page_contract {
Starts the analysis process for the file imported
......@@ -197,17 +199,16 @@ foreach csv_line_fields $values_list_of_lists {
ns_log Notice "import-im_invoice: Parser: '$p -args $p_args $val' -> $target_varname=$res, err=$err"
if {"" != $err} {
if {$ns_write_p} {
ns_write "<li><font color=brown>Warning: Error parsing field='$target_varname' using parser '$p':<pre>$err</pre></font>\n"
ns_write "<li><font color=brown>Warning: Error parsing field='$target_varname' using parser '$p':<pre>$err</pre></font>\n</li>"
set $target_varname $res
} err_msg]} {
if {$ns_write_p} {
ns_write "<li><font color=brown>Warning: Error parsing field='$target_varname' using parser '$p':<pre>$err_msg</pre></font>"
ns_write "<li><font color=brown>Warning: Error parsing field='$target_varname' using parser '$p':<pre>$err_msg</pre></font></li>"
incr i
......@@ -221,7 +222,7 @@ foreach csv_line_fields $values_list_of_lists {
set cost_id [db_string cost_id "select cost_id from im_costs where lower(trim(cost_name)) = lower(trim(:expense_name))" -default ""]
if { "" ne $cost_id && !$overwrite_existing_expense_bundles_p } {
if {$ns_write_p} {
ns_write "<li><font color=red>Error: We have found an Expense Bundle named '$cost_name' and will not overwrite any of attributes.<br>Skipped record</font>\n"
ns_write "<li><font color=red>Error: We have found an Expense Bundle named '$expense_name' and will not overwrite any of attributes.<br>Skipped record</font>\n</li>"
......@@ -230,16 +231,16 @@ foreach csv_line_fields $values_list_of_lists {
if {"" == $expense_name} {
if {$ns_write_p} {
ns_write "<li><font color=red>Error: We have found an empty 'Cost Name' in line $cnt.<br>
Skipped record. Please correct the CSV file. Every costs needs to have a unique Cost Name.</font>\n"
Skipped record. Please correct the CSV file. Every costs needs to have a unique Cost Name.</font>\n</li>"
# We expect Excpense Bundles only!
if { 3722 != $cost_type_id } {
# We expect Expense Bundles only!
if { [im_cost_type_expense_bundle] != $cost_type_id } {
if {$ns_write_p} {
ns_write "<li><font color=red>Error: We have found a cost type that is different from 3722 (Expense Bundles)<br>
Skipped record - please correct the CSV file.</font>\n"
Skipped record - please correct the CSV file.</font>\n</li>"
......@@ -260,10 +261,22 @@ foreach csv_line_fields $values_list_of_lists {
# Status is optional
if {"" == $cost_status_id} {
if {$ns_write_p} { ns_write "<li><font color=brown>Warning: Didn't find cost status '$cost_status', using default status 'Created'</font>\n" }
if {$ns_write_p} { ns_write "<li><font color=brown>Warning: Didn't find cost status '$cost_status', using default status 'Created'</font>\n</li>" }
set cost_status_id [im_cost_status_created]
# Amount
if {"" == $amount} {
if {$ns_write_p} { ns_write "<li><font color=red>Error: Didn't find a value for expense amount. Skipping record.</font>\n</li>" }
if { "" eq $vat } {
if {$ns_write_p} { ns_write "<li><font color=brown>Warning: Didn't find a value for VAT, setting VAT to '0'</font>\n</li>" }
set vat 0
# Customer and provider are required
if {"" == $provider_id} {
if {[im_category_is_a $cost_type_id [im_cost_type_customer_doc]]} { set provider_id [im_company_internal] }
......@@ -279,6 +292,7 @@ foreach csv_line_fields $values_list_of_lists {
# Customer ID
if {"" == $customer_id} {
if {$ns_write_p} {
ns_write "<li><font color=red>Error: We have found an empty 'Customer' in line $cnt.<br>
......@@ -288,15 +302,15 @@ foreach csv_line_fields $values_list_of_lists {
# Currency
if {"" eq $currency} {
if {"" eq $expense_currency} {
if {$ns_write_p} { ns_write "<li><font color=brown>Warning: Didn't find currency, using default currency='$default_currency'</font>\n" }
set currency $default_currency
set expense_currency $default_currency
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Create a new cost if necessary
if {"" == $cost_id} {
if {$ns_write_p} { ns_write "<li>Going to create cost: name='$expense_name''\n" }
if {$ns_write_p} { ns_write "<li><font color=green>Going to create cost: name='$expense_name'</font></li>" }
if {[catch {
set cost_id [db_string new_cost "
......@@ -335,19 +349,7 @@ foreach csv_line_fields $values_list_of_lists {
'' -- description
db_dml insert_invoices "
insert into im_invoices (
invoice_id, invoice_nr,
) values (
:cost_id, :cost_name,
} err_msg]} {
if {$ns_write_p} { ns_write "<li><font color=red>Error: Creating new financial document:<br><pre>$err_msg</pre></font>\n" }
......@@ -357,53 +359,31 @@ foreach csv_line_fields $values_list_of_lists {
im_audit -object_id $cost_id -action after_create
} else {
if {$ns_write_p} { ns_write "<li>Cost already exists: name='$cost_name', nr='$cost_nr', id='$cost_id'</li>\n" }
if { !$overwrite_existing_invoice_attributes_p } {
if {$ns_write_p} { ns_write "<li>You have choosen not to overwrite/update already existing objects. Skipping record.</li>\n" }
if {$ns_write_p} { ns_write "<li>Going to update the cost.\n" }
if {[catch {
db_dml update_cost "
if {$ns_write_p} { ns_write "<li>Cost already exists: name='$cost_name', nr='$cost_nr', id='$cost_id', overwriting with new attributes.</li>\n" }
if {[catch {
db_dml update_cost "
update im_costs set
cost_name = :cost_name,
cost_name = :expense_name,
cost_nr = :cost_nr,
project_id = :project_id,
customer_id = :customer_id,
provider_id = :provider_id,
cost_status_id = :cost_status_id,
cost_type_id = :cost_type_id,
effective_date = :effective_date,
amount = :amount,
currency = :currency,
currency = :expense_currency,
vat = :vat,
tax = :tax,
payment_days = :payment_days,
paid_amount = :paid_amount,
cost_center_id = :cost_center_id,
cause_object_id = :cause_object_id,
vat_type_id = :vat_type_id,
template_id = :template_id,
note = :note
cost_id = :cost_id
} err_msg]} {
if {$ns_write_p} { ns_write "<li><font color=red>Error: Error updating cost:<br><pre>$err_msg</pre></font>" }
} err_msg]} {
if {$ns_write_p} { ns_write "<li><font color=red>Error: Error updating cost:<br><pre>$err_msg</pre></font>" }
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Import DynFields
set cost_dynfield_updates {}
......@@ -457,7 +437,7 @@ foreach csv_line_fields $values_list_of_lists {
if {$ns_write_p} {
ns_write "</ul>\n"
ns_write "<p>\n"
ns_write "<A HREF=$return_url>Return to Cost Page</A>\n"
ns_write "<A HREF=$return_url>Return to CSV Import page</A>\n"
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# /packages/intranet-csv-import/www/import-im_invoice.tcl
# To-Do:
# Add support for:
# - template_id
ad_page_contract {
Starts the analysis process for the file imported
......@@ -253,15 +257,9 @@ foreach csv_line_fields $values_list_of_lists {
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Check if the cost already exists
# Check if we find the same cost by name with it's project.
set cost_id [db_string cost_id "select cost_id from im_costs where lower(trim(cost_nr)) = lower(trim(:cost_nr))" -default ""]
if {"" eq $cost_id} {
set cost_id [db_string cost_id "select cost_id from im_costs where lower(trim(cost_name)) = lower(trim(:cost_name))" -default ""]
set cost_id [db_string cost_id "select cost_id from im_costs where lower(trim(cost_name)) = lower(trim(:cost_name))" -default ""]
if {$ns_write_p} { ns_write "<li>id=$cost_id, name='$cost_name', nr='$cost_nr'\n" }
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Check if we've got an invoice item
set item_field_count 0
......@@ -307,7 +305,7 @@ foreach csv_line_fields $values_list_of_lists {
if {"" eq $item_id} {
# Item doesn't exist yet - insert
if {$ns_write_p} { ns_write "<li>Going to create line: cost_name='$cost_name', item_name='$item_name'\n" }
if {$ns_write_p} { ns_write "<li><font color=green>Going to create line: cost_name='$cost_name', item_name='$item_name'</font></li>" }
db_dml insert_item "
insert into im_invoice_items (
......@@ -406,7 +404,7 @@ foreach csv_line_fields $values_list_of_lists {
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Create a new cost if necessary
if {"" == $cost_id} {
if {$ns_write_p} { ns_write "<li>Going to create cost: name='$cost_name', nr='$cost_nr'\n" }
if {$ns_write_p} { ns_write "<li><font=green>Going to create financial document: name='$cost_name', nr='$cost_nr'</font></li>" }
switch $cost_type_id {
3700 { set object_type "im_invoice" }
......@@ -484,7 +482,7 @@ foreach csv_line_fields $values_list_of_lists {
} else {
if {$ns_write_p} { ns_write "<li>Cost already exists: name='$cost_name', nr='$cost_nr', id='$cost_id'</li>\n" }
if { !$overwrite_existing_invoice_attributes_p } {
if {$ns_write_p} { ns_write "<li>You have choosen not to overwrite/update already existing objects. Skipping record.</li>\n" }
if {$ns_write_p} { ns_write "<li>You have choosen not to overwrite/update already existing objects. <b>Skipping record</b>.</li>\n" }
......@@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ foreach csv_line_fields $values_list_of_lists {
# Create a new project if necessary
if {"" == $project_id} {
if {$ns_write_p} { ns_write "<li>Going to create project: name='$project_name', nr='$project_nr'\n" }
if {$ns_write_p} { ns_write "<li><font color='green'>Going to create project: name='$project_name', nr='$project_nr'</font></li>" }
if {[catch {
set project_id [im_project::new \
-project_name $project_name \
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