Commit f532697d authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- CSV Import of im_risk information:

  Working on the importer
parent ffeeb79d
......@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ ad_proc -public im_csv_import_parsers {
Returns the list of available parsers
} {
switch $object_type {
im_project - im_timesheet_task - im_ticket {
im_project - im_risk - im_timesheet_task - im_ticket {
set parsers {
no_change "No Change"
hard_coded "Hard Coded Functionality"
......@@ -347,6 +347,84 @@ ad_proc -public im_csv_import_guess_parser {
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Guess the most probable DynField for a column
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ad_proc -public im_csv_import_guess_map {
{-sample_values {}}
} {
Returns the best guess for a DynField for the field.
} {
set field_name_lower [string tolower $field_name]
ns_log Notice "im_csv_import_guess_map: trying to guess attribute_name for field_name=$field_name_lower"
set dynfield_sql "
select lower(aa.attribute_name) as attribute_name,
lower(aa.pretty_name) as pretty_name,
w.widget as tcl_widget,
w.widget_name as dynfield_widget
from im_dynfield_attributes a,
im_dynfield_widgets w,
acs_attributes aa
where a.widget_name = w.widget_name and
a.acs_attribute_id = aa.attribute_id and
aa.object_type = '$object_type'
order by aa.sort_order, aa.attribute_id
# Check if the header name is the attribute_name of a DynField
set dynfield_attribute_names [util_memoize [list db_list otype_dynfields "select attribute_name from ($dynfield_sql) t"]]
ns_log Notice "im_csv_import_guess_map: attribute_names=$dynfield_attribute_names"
if {[lsearch $dynfield_attribute_names $field_name_lower] >= 0} {
ns_log Notice "im_csv_import_guess_map: found attribute_name match with field_name=$field_name"
return $field_name_lower
# Check for a pretty_name of a DynField
set dynfield_pretty_names [util_memoize [list db_list otype_dynfields "select pretty_name from ($dynfield_sql) t"]]
ns_log Notice "im_csv_import_guess_map: pretty_names=$dynfield_pretty_names"
set idx [lsearch $dynfield_pretty_names $field_name_lower]
if {$idx >= 0} {
ns_log Notice "im_csv_import_guess_map: found pretty_name match with field_name=$field_name"
return [lindex $dynfield_attribute_names $idx]
# set static_mapping_lol {}
catch { }
set static_mapping_lol [im_csv_import_guess_map_$object_type]
ns_log Notice "im_csv_import_guess_map: static_mapping=$static_mapping_lol"
foreach tuple $static_mapping_lol {
set attribute_name [lindex $tuple 0]
set pretty_name [lindex $tuple 1]
if {$field_name_lower == [string tolower $pretty_name]} {
ns_log Notice "im_csv_import_guess_map: found statically encoded match with field_name=$field_name"
return $attribute_name
} else {
ns_log Notice "im_csv_import_guess_map: $pretty_name!=$field_name_lower"
ns_log Notice "im_csv_import_guess_map: Did not find any match with a DynField for field_name=$field_name"
ns_log Notice "im_csv_import_guess_map:"
return ""
ad_proc -public im_csv_import_guess_map_im_risk { } {} {
set mapping {
{risk_name "Risk Name" no_change ""}
{risk_project_id "Project" parser ""}
{risk_status_id "Status" category_parser "Intranet Risk Status"}
{risk_type_id "Type" category_parser "Intranet Risk Type"}
{risk_description "Description" no_change ""}
{risk_impact "Impact" parser ""}
{risk_probability_percent "Probability" parser ""}
return $mapping
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Convert the list of parent_nrs into the parent_id
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -146,11 +146,16 @@ foreach header_name $headers {
set args "<input type=text name=parser_args.$cnt value=\"$default_parser_args\">\n"
# Mapping - Map to which object field?
set default_map [string tolower $header_name]
set default_map [im_csv_import_guess_map -object_type $object_type -field_name $header_name -sample_values $parser_sample_values]
if {"" != $override_map} { set default_map $override_map }
set map [im_select map.$cnt $object_type_pairs $default_map]
ns_log Notice "import-2: header_name=$header_name, default_map=$default_map, override_map=$override_map, map=$map"
if {"hard_coded" == $default_parser} { set map [im_select map.$cnt $object_type_pairs "hard_coded"] }
multirow append mapping $header_name $column $map $parser $args [lindex $row_1 $cnt] [lindex $row_2 $cnt] [lindex $row_3 $cnt] [lindex $row_4 $cnt] [lindex $row_5 $cnt]
incr cnt
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -11,7 +11,13 @@
<%= [im_select object_type [list im_project "Project" im_timesheet_task "Timesheet Task" im_company "Company" person "User"] $object_type] %>
<%= [im_select object_type [list \
im_company "Company" \
im_project "Project" \
im_risk "Risk" \
im_timesheet_task "Timesheet Task" \
person "User" \
] $object_type] %>
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