Commit 692682d5 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

Added cost centers to automatic query

parent c71bc853
...@@ -380,6 +380,16 @@ ad_proc -public im_dynfield::search_sql_criteria_from_form { ...@@ -380,6 +380,16 @@ ad_proc -public im_dynfield::search_sql_criteria_from_form {
im_category_tree { im_category_tree {
lappend criteria "$attribute_table_name.$attribute_name in (select * from im_sub_categories(:$attribute_name))" lappend criteria "$attribute_table_name.$attribute_name in (select * from im_sub_categories(:$attribute_name))"
} }
im_cost_center_tree {
set sub_cc_sql "
select sub_cc.cost_center_id
from im_cost_centers cc,
im_cost_centers sub_cc
where cc.cost_center_id = :$attribute_name and
substring(sub_cc.cost_center_code for length(cc.cost_center_code)) = cc.cost_center_code
lappend criteria "$attribute_table_name.$attribute_name in ($sub_cc_sql)"
default { default {
lappend criteria "$attribute_table_name.$attribute_name = :$attribute_name" lappend criteria "$attribute_table_name.$attribute_name = :$attribute_name"
} }
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