Commit c595d9b1 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- Improving security by added -limit_to xxx to all im_opt_val calls

parent 6c064344
......@@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ ad_proc -public im_dynfield::search_sql_criteria_from_form {
text - textarea - richtext {
# Create a "like" search
# lappend criteria "$attribute_table_name.$attribute_name like '%:$attribute_name%'"
# lappend criteria "lower($attribute_table_name.$attribute_name) like '%\[string tolower \[string map {' {} \] {} \[ {} \$ {}} \[im_opt_val $attribute_name\]\]\]%'"
# lappend criteria "lower($attribute_table_name.$attribute_name) like '%\[string tolower \[string map {' {} \] {} \[ {} \$ {}} \[im_opt_val -limit_to nohtml $attribute_name\]\]\]%'"
lappend criteria "lower($attribute_table_name.$attribute_name) like '%'||:${attribute_name}||'%'"
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