Commit 8d36610e authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- Added an error message

parent f1af04a6
......@@ -1616,11 +1616,12 @@ ad_proc -public im_filestorage_base_component { user_id object_id object_name ba
im_exec chmod ug+w $find_path
set file_list [im_exec $find_cmd $find_path -noleaf]
set files [lsort [split $file_list "\n"]]
} err_msg] } {
} err_msg] } {
ns_log Error "im_filestorage_base_component: find_path=$find_path, err_msg=$err_msg"
return "<ul><li>[_ intranet-filestorage.lt_Unable_to_get_file_li]:<br><pre>find_path=$find_path\n$err_msg</pre></ul>"
# remove the first (root path) from the list of files returned by "find".
set files [lrange $files 1 [llength $files]]
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