Commit 346b1a49 authored by cosine's avatar cosine

- Fixed deprecated proc ns_info platform

parent b5bf5507
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
<% set error_url [im_url_with_query] %>
<% set error_location "[ns_info address] on [ns_info platform]" %>
<% set error_location "[ns_info address] on $::tcl_platform(platform)" %>
<% set report_url [im_parameter -package_id [im_package_core_id] "ErrorReportURL" "" ""] %>
<% set system_url [im_parameter -package_id [ad_acs_kernel_id] SystemURL "" ""] %>
<% db_1row user_info "select * from cc_users where user_id=[ad_conn user_id]" %>
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