Commit 7c63228d authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- Fixed issue with "&" vs. "?" adding to URL

parent fa3978d6
......@@ -1076,8 +1076,9 @@ ad_proc -public im_forum_component {
if { $forum_order_by eq $cmd_eval } {
append table_header_html " <td class=rowtitle>$col_tr</td>\n"
} else {
if {[string first "?" $current_page_url] < 0} { set join_char "?" } else { set join_char "&" }
append table_header_html " <td class=rowtitle>
<a href=$current_page_url?$pass_through_vars_html&forum_order_by=[ns_urlencode $cmd_eval]&forum_folder=$restrict_to_folder>$col_tr</a>
<a href=${current_page_url}${join_char}${pass_through_vars_html}&forum_order_by=[ns_urlencode $cmd_eval]&forum_folder=$restrict_to_folder>$col_tr</a>
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