Commit 21b8bb3d authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- Fixed DnD configuration of milestones

- Fixed the display of resources behind a sprite
parent cff96aab
......@@ -41,13 +41,12 @@ Ext.define('GanttEditor.view.GanttBarPanel', {
// Default values for axis startDate and endDate
var oneDayMiliseconds = 24 * 3600 * 1000;
me.axisEndX = 2000; // Size of the time axis. Always starts with 0.
me.axisEndX = 2000; // Size of the time axis. Always starts with 0.
me.axisStartDate = new Date(me.reportStartTime - 1.5 * oneDayMiliseconds);
me.axisEndDate = new Date(me.reportEndTime + 1.5 * (me.reportEndTime - me.reportStartTime) + 7 * oneDayMiliseconds);
// Set axis and scroll configuration if saved in the preference store
// !!!
// Catch the moment when the "view" of the Project grid
// is ready in order to draw the GanttBars for the first time.
......@@ -378,7 +377,7 @@ Ext.define('GanttEditor.view.GanttBarPanel', {
if (me.debug) console.log('PO.class.GanttDrawComponent.redraw: numNodes='+numNodes);
me.surface.setSize(me.axisEndX, surfaceYSize); // Set the size of the drawing area
me.surface.setSize(me.axisEndX, surfaceYSize); // Set the size of the drawing area
me.drawAxisAuto(); // Draw the top axis
// Iterate through all children of the root node and check if they are visible
......@@ -472,7 +471,7 @@ Ext.define('GanttEditor.view.GanttBarPanel', {
var drawn = null;
// Task with zero length: Draw a milestone
if (!drawn && project.isMilestone()) { // either explicitely marked or zero duration
if (!drawn && project.isMilestone()) { // either explicitely marked or zero duration
drawn = "milestone";
var m = h/2; // Half the size of the bar height
var spriteBar = surface.add({
......@@ -494,7 +493,7 @@ Ext.define('GanttEditor.view.GanttBarPanel', {
// Draw a standard Gantt bar if the task is a leaf (has no children)
if (!drawn && !project.hasChildNodes()) { // Parent tasks don't have DnD and look different
if (!drawn && !project.hasChildNodes()) { // Parent tasks don't have DnD and look different
drawn = "bar";
// The main Gantt bar with Drag-and-Drop configuration
var spriteBar = surface.add({
......@@ -527,8 +526,8 @@ Ext.define('GanttEditor.view.GanttBarPanel', {
if (me.debug) console.log('PO.view.gantt.GanttBarPanel.drawProjectBar.spriteBarHandle.dragAction:');
var baseBBox = panel.dndBaseSprite.getBBox();
var shadow = panel.dndShadowSprite;
var width = baseBBox.width + diff[0];
if (width < 0) width = 0;
var width = baseBBox.width + diff[0];
if (width < 0) width = 0;
shadow.setAttributes({width: width}).show(true);
dropAction: function(panel, e, diff, dndConfig) {
......@@ -608,7 +607,7 @@ Ext.define('GanttEditor.view.GanttBarPanel', {
if (!drawn) { alert('GanttBarPanel.drawProjectBar: not drawn'); }
if (!drawn) { alert('GanttBarPanel.drawProjectBar: not drawn'); }
// Convert assignment information into a string
// and write behind the Gantt bar
......@@ -625,15 +624,21 @@ Ext.define('GanttEditor.view.GanttBarPanel', {
text = text + '['+assignee.percent+'%]';
var axisText = surface.add({type:'text', text:text, x:x+w+2, y:y+d, fill:'#000', font:"10px Arial"}).show(true);
var xOffset = w + 4; // Default: Start directly behind the bar
switch (drawn) {
case 'milestone': xOffset = 8; // Milestone: Ignore bar width, but add some extra space
var axisText = surface.add({type:'text', text:text, x:x+xOffset, y:y+d, fill:'#000', font:"10px Arial"}).show(true);
// Add a drag-and-drop configuration to all spriteBars (bar, supertask and milestone)
// in order to allow them to act as both source and target of inter-task dependencies.
spriteBar.dndConfig = { // Drag-and-drop configuration
// Add a drag-and-drop configuration to all spriteBars (bar, supertask and milestone)
// in order to allow them to act as both source and target of inter-task dependencies.
spriteBar.dndConfig = { // Drag-and-drop configuration
model: project, // Store the task information for the sprite
baseSprite: spriteBar, // "Base" sprite for the DnD action
dragAction: function(panel, e, diff, dndConfig) { // Executed onMouseMove in AbstractGanttPanel
dragAction: function(panel, e, diff, dndConfig) { // Executed onMouseMove in AbstractGanttPanel
var shadow = panel.dndShadowSprite; // Sprite "shadow" (copy of baseSprite) to move around
var linkSprite = panel.dndLinkSprite;
if ( diff[1] > 10 || diff[1] < -10 ) {
......@@ -643,18 +648,18 @@ Ext.define('GanttEditor.view.GanttBarPanel', {
linkSprite.setAttributes( {x: point[0], y: point[1] - 5}, true);
} else {;
shadow.setAttributes({translate: {x: diff[0], y: 0}}, true);// Move shadow according to mouse position
shadow.setAttributes({translate: {x: diff[0], y: 0}}, true); // Move shadow according to mouse position
dropAction: function(panel, e, diff, dndConfig) { // Executed onMouseUp in AbastractGanttPanel
dropAction: function(panel, e, diff, dndConfig) { // Executed onMouseUp in AbastractGanttPanel
if (me.debug) console.log('PO.view.gantt.GanttBarPanel.drawProjectBar.spriteBar.dropAction:');
panel.dndLinkSprite.destroy(); // Hide Link graphic
panel.dndLinkSprite.destroy(); // Hide Link graphic
var point = me.getMousePoint(e); // Corrected mouse coordinates
var baseSprite = panel.dndBaseSprite; // spriteBar to be affected by DnD
if (!baseSprite) { return; } // Something went completely wrong...
var baseSprite = panel.dndBaseSprite; // spriteBar to be affected by DnD
if (!baseSprite) { return; } // Something went completely wrong...
var dropSprite = panel.getSpriteForPoint(point); // Check where the user has dropped the shadow
if (baseSprite == dropSprite) { dropSprite = null; } // Dropped on same sprite? => normal drop
if (baseSprite == dropSprite) { dropSprite = null; } // Dropped on same sprite? => normal drop
if (0 == Math.abs(diff[0]) + Math.abs(diff[1])) { // Same point as before?
return; // Drag-start == drag-end or single-click
......@@ -667,7 +672,7 @@ Ext.define('GanttEditor.view.GanttBarPanel', {
// if (me.debug) { if (me.debug) console.log('PO.view.gantt.GanttBarPanel.drawProjectBar: Finished'); }
// if (me.debug) { if (me.debug) console.log('PO.view.gantt.GanttBarPanel.drawProjectBar: Finished'); }
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