Commit 242713e2 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- Gantt Editor:

  First results from scrolling, even though the GanttBarPanel
  doesn't have the right vertical size yet
parent 6c9921ee
......@@ -300,12 +300,36 @@ function launchGanttEditor(debug){
me.ganttTreePanel.on('cellkeydown', this.onCellKeyDown, me.ganttTreePanel);
me.ganttTreePanel.on('beforecellkeydown', this.onBeforeCellKeyDown, me.ganttTreePanel);
// Listen to vertical scroll events
var view = me.ganttTreePanel.getView();
view.on('bodyscroll',this.onTreePanelScroll, me);
// Listen to any changes in store records
me.taskTreeStore.on({'update': me.onTaskTreeStoreUpdate, 'scope': this});
return this;
* The user moves the scroll bar of the treePanel.
* Now scroll the ganttBarPanel in the same way.
onTreePanelScroll: function(event, treeview) {
var me = this;
var ganttTreePanel = me.ganttTreePanel;
var ganttBarPanel = me.ganttBarPanel;
var view = ganttTreePanel.getView();
var scroll = view.getEl().getScroll();
if (me.debug) console.log('GanttButtonController.onTreePanelScroll: Starting: ';
var scrollableEl = ganttBarPanel.getEl(); // Ext.dom.Element that enables scrolling
if (me.debug) console.log('GanttButtonController.onTreePanelScroll: Finished');
* The user has reloaded the project data and therefore
* discarded any browser-side changes. So disable the
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