Commit 467eac62 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- Reduced the size of the resize-handle to 1px.

  That seems to be sufficient and doesn't overlay
  that much a finish-to-finish dependency arrow
parent c32d03de
......@@ -544,7 +544,7 @@ Ext.define('GanttEditor.view.GanttBarPanel', {
// Resize-Handle of the Gantt Bar: This is an invisible box at the right end of the bar
// used to change the cursor and to initiate a specific resizing DnD operation.
var spriteBarHandle = surface.add({
type: 'rect', x: x+w+2, y: y, width: 4, height: h, // Located at the right edge of spriteBar.
type: 'rect', x: x+w+2, y: y, width: 1, height: h, // Located at the right edge of spriteBar.
stroke: 'red', // For debugging - not visible
fill: 'red', // Need to be filled for cursor display
opacity: 0, // Invisible
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