Commit bd4b4027 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- Zoom: Middle zoom button now zooms to actual project duration

  rather then duration when delivering the page
parent 9f98ba69
......@@ -114,10 +114,23 @@ Ext.define('GanttEditor.controller.GanttZoomController', {
if (me.debug) console.log('GanttEditor.controller.GanttZoomController.zoomEntireProject: Started');
var ganttBarPanel = me.getGanttBarPanel();
// calculate min- and max dates of the tasks
var reportStartTime = new Date('2099-12-31').getTime();
var reportEndTime = new Date('2000-01-01').getTime();
var rootNode = ganttBarPanel.objectStore.getRootNode();
rootNode.cascadeBy(function(model) {
var start_date = model.get('start_date');
var end_date = model.get('end_date');
var startTime = PO.Utilities.pgToDate(start_date);
var endTime = PO.Utilities.pgToDate(end_date);
if (startTime < reportStartTime) reportStartTime = startTime;
if (endTime > reportEndTime) reportEndTime = endTime;
// Default values for axis startDate and endDate
var oneDayMiliseconds = 24 * 3600 * 1000;
var reportStartTime = ganttBarPanel.reportStartDate.getTime();
var reportEndTime = ganttBarPanel.reportEndDate.getTime();
var panelBox = ganttBarPanel.getBox();
var panelWidth = panelBox.width;
var panelHeight = panelBox.height;
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