Commit bdd3eeea authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- Fixed factor for dependency type

- Fixed display of dependency properties to include lag
parent c8d5ab28
......@@ -82,30 +82,30 @@ Ext.define('GanttEditor.view.GanttDependencyPropertyPanel', {
store: Ext.create('', {
fields: ['id', 'category'],
data : [
{id: 9803, category: 'Month'},
{id: 9804, category: 'e-Month'},
// {id: 9803, category: 'Month'},
// {id: 9804, category: 'e-Month'},
{id: 9805, category: 'Hour'},
{id: 9806, category: 'e-Hour'},
// {id: 9806, category: 'e-Hour'},
{id: 9807, category: 'Day'},
{id: 9808, category: 'e-Day'},
{id: 9809, category: 'Week'},
{id: 9810, category: 'e-Week'},
{id: 9811, category: 'mo'},
{id: 9812, category: 'emo'},
{id: 9819, category: 'Percent'},
{id: 9820, category: 'e-Percent'},
{id: 9835, category: 'm?'},
{id: 9836, category: 'em?'},
{id: 9837, category: 'h?'},
{id: 9838, category: 'eh?'},
{id: 9839, category: 'd?'},
{id: 9840, category: 'ed?'},
{id: 9841, category: 'w?'},
{id: 9842, category: 'ew?'},
{id: 9843, category: 'mo?'},
{id: 9844, category: 'emo?'},
{id: 9851, category: 'Percent?'},
{id: 9852, category: 'e-Percent?'}
// {id: 9808, category: 'e-Day'},
// {id: 9809, category: 'Week'},
// {id: 9810, category: 'e-Week'},
// {id: 9811, category: 'mo'},
// {id: 9812, category: 'emo'},
// {id: 9819, category: 'Percent'},
// {id: 9820, category: 'e-Percent'},
// {id: 9835, category: 'm?'},
// {id: 9836, category: 'em?'},
// {id: 9837, category: 'h?'},
// {id: 9838, category: 'eh?'},
// {id: 9839, category: 'd?'},
// {id: 9840, category: 'ed?'},
// {id: 9841, category: 'w?'},
// {id: 9842, category: 'ew?'},
// {id: 9843, category: 'mo?'},
// {id: 9844, category: 'emo?'},
// {id: 9851, category: 'Percent?'},
// {id: 9852, category: 'e-Percent?'},
allowBlank: false,
......@@ -179,16 +179,16 @@ Ext.define('GanttEditor.view.GanttDependencyPropertyPanel', {
// 11=mo, 12=emo, 19=%, 20=e%, 35=m?, 36=em?, 37=h?, 38=eh?, 39=d?,
// 40=ed?, 41=w?, 42=ew?, 43=mo?, 44=emo?, 51=%? and 52=e%?
switch (format_id) {
case 9803: format_factor = 30.0 * 8.0 * 3600.0; break; // m=month, has fixed 30 days of 8 hours each at the moment
case 9804: format_factor = 30.0 * 8.0 * 3600.0; break; // em=
case 9803: format_factor = 30.0 * 24.0 * 3600.0; break; // m=month, has fixed 30 days of 8 hours each at the moment
case 9804: format_factor = 30.0 * 24.0 * 3600.0; break; // em=
case 9805: format_factor = 3600.0; break; // h=hour
case 9806: format_factor = 1.0; break; // eh=
case 9807: format_factor = 8.0 * 3600.0; break; // d=day
case 9808: format_factor = 8.0 * 3600.0; break; // ed=
case 9809: format_factor = 5.0 * 8.0 * 3600.0; break; // w=week, has 5 days
case 9807: format_factor = 24.0 * 3600.0; break; // d=day
case 9808: format_factor = 24.0 * 3600.0; break; // ed=
case 9809: format_factor = 5.0 * 24.0 * 3600.0; break; // w=week, has 5 days
case 9810: format_factor = 1.0; break; // ew=
case 9811: format_factor = 30.0 * 8.0 * 3600.0; break; // mo=month?
case 9812: format_factor = 30.0 * 8.0 * 3600.0; break; // emo
case 9811: format_factor = 30.0 * 24.0 * 3600.0; break; // mo=month?
case 9812: format_factor = 30.0 * 24.0 * 3600.0; break; // emo
case 9819: format_factor = 1.0; break; // %=Percent
case 9820: format_factor = 1.0; break; // e%=
case 9835: format_factor = 1.0; break; // e%=
......@@ -222,11 +222,10 @@ Ext.define('GanttEditor.view.GanttDependencyPropertyPanel', {
dep.type_id = fields.type_id;
dep.diff_format_id = fields.diff_format_id;
dep.diff = fields.diff;
var formatFactor = me.dependencyFormatFactor(fields.diff_format_id); // 8 hours per day * 3600 seconds per hour...
dep.diff = fields.diff * formatFactor;
// var formatFactor = me.dependencyFormatFactor(fields.diff_format_id); // 8 hours per day * 3600 seconds per hour...
// dep.diff = fields.diff * formatFactor;
// We need to force re-scheduling
......@@ -307,9 +306,10 @@ Ext.define('GanttEditor.view.GanttDependencyPropertyPanel', {
var formatFactor = me.dependencyFormatFactor(diff_format_id); // 8 hours per day * 3600 seconds per hour...
var diff = dependency.diff;
var correctedDiff = Math.round(100.0 * (diff / formatFactor)) / 100.0;
// var correctedDiff = Math.round(100.0 * (diff / formatFactor)) / 100.0;
var diffField = form.findField('diff');
// diffField.setValue(correctedDiff);
me.dependencyModel = dependency; // Save the model for reference
me.succProjectModel = succProjectModel;
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