Commit c46f4bb1 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

Summary: - GanttEditor:

  Moved controller to GanttEditor
parent badf445a
* GanttTreePanelController.js
* Copyright (c) 2011 - 2014 ]project-open[ Business Solutions, S.L.
* This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
* License version 3.0 or alternatively unter the terms of the ]po[
* FL or CL license as specified in
* Deal with collapsible tree nodes, keyboard commands
* and the interaction with the GanttBarPanel.
Ext.define('GanttEditor.controller.GanttTreePanelController', {
extend: '',
requires: [
refs: [
{ref: 'ganttBarPanel', selector: '#ganttBarPanel'},
{ref: 'ganttTreePanel', selector: '#ganttTreePanel'}
init: function() {
'#ganttTreePanel': {
'itemcollapse': this.onItemCollapse,
'itemexpand': this.onItemExpand
'#buttonZoomIn': { click: this.redrawGanttBarPanel },
'#buttonReduceIndent': { click: this.onButtonReduceIndent},
'#buttonIncreaseIndent': { click: this.onButtonIncreaseIndent},
'#buttonAdd': { click: this.onButtonAdd},
'#buttonDelete': { click: this.onButtonDelete}
redrawGanttBarPanel: function() {
var ganttBarPanel = this.getGanttBarPanel();
* The user has collapsed a super-task in the GanttTreePanel.
* We now save the 'c'=closed status using a ]po[ URL.
* These values will appear in the TaskTreeStore.
onItemCollapse: function(taskModel) {
var me = this;
var object_id = taskModel.get('id');
url: '/intranet/biz-object-tree-open-close.tcl',
params: { 'object_id': object_id, 'open_p': 'c' }
* The user has expanded a super-task in the GanttTreePanel.
* Please see onItemCollapse for further documentation.
onItemExpand: function(taskModel) {
var me = this;
if (me.debug) console.log('PO.class.GanttDrawComponent.onItemExpand: ');
// Remember the new state
var object_id = taskModel.get('id');
url: '/intranet/biz-object-tree-open-close.tcl',
params: { 'object_id': object_id, 'open_p': 'o' }
* Move the task more to the right if possible.
* Take the node just above the selected one and
* make this node a child of it.
onButtonIncreaseIndent: function() {
var me = this;
if (me.debug) console.log('GanttTreePanel.onButtonIncreaseIndent');
var ganttTreePanel = this.getGanttTreePanel();
var selectionModel = ganttTreePanel.getSelectionModel();
var lastSelected = selectionModel.getLastSelected();
var lastSelectedParent = lastSelected.parentNode;
if (null == lastSelectedParent) { return; } // We can't indent the root element
var lastSelectedIndex = lastSelectedParent.indexOf(lastSelected);
var prevNodeIndex = lastSelectedIndex -1;
if (prevNodeIndex < 0) { return; } // We can't indent the root element
var prevNode = lastSelectedParent.getChildAt(prevNodeIndex);
// Remove the item from the tree
prevNode.set('leaf', false);
prevNode.appendChild(lastSelected); // Add to the previous node as a child
ganttTreePanel.getView().focusNode(lastSelected); // Focus back on the task, so that it will accept the next keyboard commands
// ToDo: It seems the TreePanel looses focus here
// selectionModel.setLastFocused(lastSelected);
* Move the task more to the left if possible.
onButtonReduceIndent: function() {
var me = this;
if (me.debug) console.log('GanttTreePanel.onButtonReduceIndent');
var ganttTreePanel = this.getGanttTreePanel();
var selectionModel = ganttTreePanel.getSelectionModel();
var lastSelected = selectionModel.getLastSelected();
var lastSelectedParent = lastSelected.parentNode;
if (null == lastSelectedParent) { return; } // We can't indent the root element
var lastSelectedParentParent = lastSelectedParent.parentNode;
if (null == lastSelectedParentParent) { return; } // We can't indent the root element
var lastSelectedParentIndex = lastSelectedParentParent.indexOf(lastSelectedParent);
lastSelectedParentParent.insertChild(lastSelectedParentIndex+1, lastSelected);
// Check if the parent has now become a leaf
var parentNumChildren = lastSelectedParent.childNodes.length;
if (0 == parentNumChildren) {
lastSelectedParent.set('leaf', true);
ganttTreePanel.getView().focusNode(lastSelected); // Focus back on the task, so that it will accept the next keyboard commands
* "Add" (+) button pressed.
* Insert a new task in the position of the last selection.
onButtonAdd: function() {
var me = this;
if (me.debug) console.log('PO.view.gantt.GanttTreePanel.onButtonAdd: ');
var ganttTreePanel = me.getGanttTreePanel();
var rowEditing = ganttTreePanel.plugins[0];
var taskTreeStore = ganttTreePanel.getStore();
var root = taskTreeStore.getRootNode();
var selectionModel = ganttTreePanel.getSelectionModel();
var lastSelected = selectionModel.getLastSelected();
var lastSelectedParent = null;
if (null == lastSelected) {
lastSelected = root; // Use the root as the last selected node
lastSelectedParent = root;
} else {
lastSelectedParent = lastSelected.parentNode;
// Create a model instance and decorate with NodeInterface
var r = Ext.create('PO.model.timesheet.TimesheetTask', {
project_name: "New Task",
project_nr: "task_0018",
parent_id: lastSelected.get('parent_id'),
company_id: lastSelected.get('company_id'),
start_date: new Date().toISOString().substring(0,10),
end_date: new Date().toISOString().substring(0,10),
percent_completed: '0',
project_status_id: '76',
project_type_id: '100',
assignees: []
var rNode = root.createNode(r);
rNode.set('leaf', true); // Leafs show a different icon than folders
var appendP = false;
if (!selectionModel.hasSelection()) { appendP = true; }
if (root == lastSelected) { appendP = true; }
if (lastSelected.getDepth() <= 1) { appendP = true; } // Don't allow to add New Task before the root.
if (appendP) {
root.appendChild(rNode); // Add the task at the end of the root
} else {
lastSelectedParent.insertBefore(rNode, lastSelected); // Insert into tree
// Start the column editor
rowEditing.startEdit(rNode, 0);
* "Delete" (-) button pressed.
* Delete the currently selected task from the tree.
onButtonDelete: function() {
var me = this;
if (me.debug) console.log('PO.view.gantt.GanttTreePanel.onButtonDelete: ');
var ganttTreePanel = me.getGanttTreePanel();
var rowEditing = ganttTreePanel.plugins[0];
var taskTreeStore = ganttTreePanel.getStore();
var selectionModel = ganttTreePanel.getSelectionModel();
var lastSelected = selectionModel.getLastSelected();
var lastSelectedParent = lastSelected.parentNode;
var lastSelectedIndex = lastSelectedParent.indexOf(lastSelected);
// Remove the selected element
// Select the next node
var newNode = lastSelectedParent.getChildAt(lastSelectedIndex);
if (typeof(newNode) == "undefined") {
lastSelectedIndex = lastSelectedIndex -1;
if (lastSelectedIndex < 0) { lastSelectedIndex = 0; }
newNode = lastSelectedParent.getChildAt(lastSelectedIndex);
if (typeof(newNode) == "undefined") {
// lastSelected was the last child of it's parent, so select the parent.;
} else {
newNode = lastSelectedParent.getChildAt(lastSelectedIndex);;
* The user has clicked below the last task.
* We will interpret this as the request to create a new task at the end.
onContainerClick: function() {
var me = this;
if (me.debug) console.log('PO.view.gantt.GanttTreePanel.onContainerClick: ');
// Clear the selection in order to force adding the task at the bottom
var ganttTreePanel = me.getGanttTreePanel();
var selectionModel = ganttTreePanel.getSelectionModel();
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