Commit ac57ae4c authored by cosine's avatar cosine

- Enabled deletion of dependencies from the PropertyPanel

- Now showing and converting lags according to the lag format
- Extended im_timesheet_task_dependencies by diff_format_id
  and created  categories for representing lag formats
- Fixed saving and loading dependencies in REST
  /intranet-rest-data-source-procs.tcl and
parent 22315105
......@@ -834,6 +834,7 @@ ad_proc -public im_project_create_dependency {
{-depend_type "1"}
{-difference "0"}
{-difference_format ""}
{-hardness "Strong"}
} {
......@@ -882,10 +883,21 @@ ad_proc -public im_project_create_dependency {
set hardness_type_id [db_string dependency_type "select category_id from im_categories where category = :hardness and category_type = 'Intranet Timesheet Task Dependency Hardness Type'" -default "9550"]
# ad_return_complaint 1 "depend_type=$depend_type, dependency_type_id=$dependency_type_id"
# LagFormat can be: 3=m, 4=em, 5=h, 6=eh, 7=d, 8=ed, 9=w, 10=ew,
# 11=mo, 12=emo, 19=%, 20=e%, 35=m?, 36=em?, 37=h?, 38=eh?, 39=d?,
# 40=ed?, 41=w?, 42=ew?, 43=mo?, 44=emo?, 51=%? and 52=e%?
# Intranet Gantt Task Dependency Lag Format
# follows MS numbering, but starting with 9800.
set difference_format_id [expr 9800 + $difference_format]
db_dml update_dependency "
update im_timesheet_task_dependencies set
dependency_type_id = :dependency_type_id,
difference = :difference,
difference_format_id = :difference_format_id,
hardness_type_id = :hardness_type_id
where task_id_one = :task_id_one
and task_id_two = :task_id_two
......@@ -1499,19 +1511,25 @@ ad_proc -public im_gp_save_tasks2 {
"PredecessorUID" { set linkid [$attrtag text] }
"Type" { set linktype [$attrtag text] }
"LinkLag" { set link_lag [$attrtag text] }
"LagFormat" { set link_lag_format [$attrtag text] }
"LagFormat" {
set link_lag_format [$attrtag text]
# LagFormat can be: 3=m, 4=em, 5=h, 6=eh, 7=d, 8=ed, 9=w, 10=ew,
# 11=mo, 12=emo, 19=%, 20=e%, 35=m?, 36=em?, 37=h?, 38=eh?, 39=d?,
# 40=ed?, 41=w?, 42=ew?, 43=mo?, 44=emo?, 51=%? and 52=e%?
# Calculate "difference" from LinkLag and LagFormat.
# ToDo: Take care of LagFormat
set difference_seconds [expr {$link_lag * 1.0}]
# Calculate "difference" from LinkLag. LinkLag is specified
# in "thenth of minutes", which is 6 seconds...
set difference_seconds [expr $link_lag * 6.0]
im_project_create_dependency \
-task_id_one $task_id \
-task_id_two $linkid \
-depend_type $linktype \
-difference $difference_seconds \
-difference_format $link_lag_format \
-task_hash_array [array get task_hash]
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