Commit 0f8b01d7 authored by cosine's avatar cosine

- Helpdesk tickets didn't show the SLA if the SLA

  or one of it's parents is closed. This patch
  adds a parameters to the *_options procedure to
  include the currently assigne SLA
parent 4c9278da
......@@ -1024,6 +1024,7 @@ ad_proc -public im_helpdesk_ticket_sla_options {
{-include_empty_p 1}
{-include_create_sla_p 0}
{-include_internal_sla_p 0}
{-include_default_option 0}
} {
Returns a list of SLA tuples suitable for ad_form
on which the current_user_id can add tickets
......@@ -1061,19 +1062,25 @@ ad_proc -public im_helpdesk_ticket_sla_options {
set sql "
select $sla_name_sql as sla_name,
select distinct
$sla_name_sql as sla_name,
from (
select p.*,
from im_projects p,
im_companies c,
im_projects main_p
where p.company_id = c.company_id and
main_p.tree_sortkey = tree_root_key(p.tree_sortkey) and
p.project_status_id not in ([join [im_sub_categories [im_project_status_closed]] ","]) and
p.project_type_id = [im_project_type_sla] and
main_p.project_status_id not in ([join [im_sub_categories [im_project_status_closed]] ","])
select p.*, c.*
from im_projects p,
im_companies c,
im_projects main_p
where p.company_id = c.company_id and
main_p.tree_sortkey = tree_root_key(p.tree_sortkey) and
p.project_status_id not in ([join [im_sub_categories [im_project_status_closed]] ","]) and
p.project_type_id = [im_project_type_sla] and
main_p.project_status_id not in ([join [im_sub_categories [im_project_status_closed]] ","])
select p.*, c.*
from im_projects p,
im_companies c
where p.company_id = c.company_id and
p.project_id = :include_default_option
) p
where 1=1
......@@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ if {"new" == $ticket_customer_contact_id && $user_can_create_new_customer_contac
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
if {([info exists ticket_customer_id] && $ticket_customer_id ne "")} {
set customer_sla_options [im_helpdesk_ticket_sla_options -customer_id $ticket_customer_id -include_create_sla_p $add_projects_p -include_internal_sla_p 1]
set customer_sla_options [im_helpdesk_ticket_sla_options -customer_id $ticket_customer_id -include_create_sla_p $add_projects_p -include_internal_sla_p 1 -include_default_option $ticket_sla_id]
set customer_contact_options [db_list_of_lists customer_contact_options "
select im_name_from_user_id(u.user_id) as name,
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