Commit d54e01aa authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

Summary: - Created helpdesk report for listing all tickets

parent cede93e1
# /packages/intranet-helpdesk/www/reporting/ticket-by-customer-dept.tcl
# Copyright (c) 2003-2008 ]project-open[
# All rights reserved. Please check
# for licensing details.
ad_page_contract {
Shows the results of the evaluated users
} {
{ report_start_date "" }
{ report_end_date "" }
{ report_level_of_detail 2 }
{ report_output_format "html" }
{ report_sla_id "" }
{ report_status_id "" }
{ report_type_id "" }
{ report_prio_id "" }
{ report_queue_id "" }
{ report_assignee_id "" }
{ report_assignee_dept_id "" }
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Security
# ------------------------------------------------------------
set menu_label "reporting_helpdesk_ticket_by_customer_dept"
set current_user_id [ad_maybe_redirect_for_registration]
set read_p [db_string report_perms "
select im_object_permission_p(m.menu_id, :current_user_id, 'read')
from im_menus m
where m.label = :menu_label
" -default 'f']
set read_p "t"
if {![string equal "t" $read_p]} {
ad_return_complaint 1 "<li>
[lang::message::lookup "" intranet-reporting.You_dont_have_permissions "You don't have the necessary permissions to view this page"]"
set page_title "Tickets by Customer Contact Department"
set context_bar [im_context_bar $page_title]
set context ""
# Check Date formats
set report_start_date [string range $report_start_date 0 9]
if {"" != $report_start_date && ![regexp {^[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]\-[0-9][0-9]\-[0-9][0-9]$} $report_start_date]} {
ad_return_complaint 1 "Start Date doesn't have the right format.<br>
Current value: '$report_start_date'<br>
Expected format: 'YYYY-MM-DD'"
set report_end_date [string range $report_end_date 0 9]
if {"" != $report_end_date && ![regexp {^[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]\-[0-9][0-9]\-[0-9][0-9]$} $report_end_date]} {
ad_return_complaint 1 "Start Date doesn't have the right format.<br>
Current value: '$report_end_date'<br>
Expected format: 'YYYY-MM-DD'"
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Defaults
# ------------------------------------------------------------
set days_in_future 31
db_1row todays_date "
to_char(sysdate::date + :days_in_future::integer, 'YYYY') as todays_year,
to_char(sysdate::date + :days_in_future::integer, 'MM') as todays_month
from dual
if {"" == $report_start_date} { set report_start_date "2015-01-01" }
if {"" == $report_end_date} { set report_end_date "$todays_year-$todays_month-01" }
set user_url "/intranet/users/view?user_id="
set this_url [export_vars -base "/intranet-helpdesk/reporting/ticket-by-customer-dept" {report_start_date} ]
set levels {2 "Evaluees + Evaluators"}
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Conditional SQL Where-Clause
set criteria [list]
if {"" != $report_start_date} { lappend criteria "t.ticket_creation_date >= :report_start_date::timestamptz" }
if {"" != $report_end_date} { lappend criteria "t.ticket_creation_date <= :report_end_date::timestamptz" }
if {"" != $report_sla_id} { lappend criteria "p.parent_id = :report_sla_id" }
if {"" != $report_queue_id} { lappend criteria "t.ticket_queue_id = :report_queue_id" }
if {"" != $report_assignee_id} { lappend criteria "t.ticket_assignee_id = :report_assignee_id" }
if {"" != $report_status_id} { lappend criteria "t.ticket_status_id in ([join [im_sub_categories $report_status_id] ","])" }
if {"" != $report_type_id} { lappend criteria "t.ticket_type_id in ([join [im_sub_categories $report_type_id] ","])" }
if {"" != $report_prio_id} { lappend criteria "t.ticket_prio_id in ([join [im_sub_categories $report_prio_id] ","])" }
if {"" != $report_assignee_dept_id} {
set cc_code [db_string cc_code "select cost_center_code from im_cost_centers where cost_center_id = :report_cost_center" -default ""]
set cc_len [string length $cc_code]
lappend criteria "t.ticket_assignee_id in (
select e.employee_id
from im_employees e
where e.department_id in (
select cc.cost_center_id
from im_cost_centers cc
where substring(cc.cost_center_code for :cc_len) = :cc_code
)" }
set where_clause [join $criteria " and\n "]
if { ![empty_string_p $where_clause] } {
set where_clause " and $where_clause"
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Define the report - SQL, counters, headers and footers
set sql "
select t.*,
substring(customer_contact_dept for 2) as customer_contact_dept_2char,
substring(customer_contact_dept for 4) as customer_contact_dept_4char
from (
child.tree_sortkey as child_tree_sortkey,
p.project_name as ticket_name,
p.project_nr as ticket_nr,
o.creation_user as ticket_creation_user_id,
im_name_from_user_id(t.ticket_customer_contact_id) as customer_contact_name,
(select im_cost_center_code_from_id(department_id) from im_employees
where employee_id = t.ticket_customer_contact_id
) as customer_contact_dept,
im_category_from_id(t.ticket_status_id) as ticket_status,
im_category_from_id(t.ticket_type_id) as ticket_type,
im_category_from_id(t.ticket_prio_id) as ticket_prio,
to_char(t.ticket_creation_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD') as ticket_creation_date_pretty,
im_name_from_user_id(o.creation_user) as creation_user_name,
im_name_from_user_id(o.creation_user) as ticket_creation_user_name,
im_name_from_user_id(o.creation_user) as ticket_creation_user_name,
acs_object__name(t.ticket_queue_id) as ticket_queue
im_forum_topics parent,
im_forum_topics child,
im_tickets t,
im_projects p,
acs_objects o
t.ticket_id = p.project_id and
t.ticket_id = o.object_id and
parent.topic_id = (select min(topic_id) from im_forum_topics ft where ft.object_id = t.ticket_id) and
child.tree_sortkey between parent.tree_sortkey and tree_right(parent.tree_sortkey)
) t
order by
# ---------------------------------------------
# Report Definition
set report_def [list \
group_by customer_contact_dept_2char \
header {
"\#colspan=99 <b>$customer_contact_dept</b>"
} \
content [list \
group_by ticket_nr \
header {
} \
content [list \
header {
} \
content {} \
] \
] \
footer {
} \
# Global header/footer
set header0 {"Nr" "Ticket"}
set footer0 {"" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""}
set counters [list]
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Start formatting the page
# Write out HTTP header, considering CSV/MS-Excel formatting
im_report_write_http_headers -output_format $report_output_format
# Add the HTML select box to the head of the page
switch $report_output_format {
html {
ns_write "
<table border=0 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=1>
<td class=form-label>Level of Details</td>
<td class=form-widget>
[im_select -translate_p 0 report_level_of_detail $levels $report_level_of_detail]
<td class=form-label>Start Date</td>
<td class=form-widget>
<input type=textfield name=report_start_date value=$report_start_date>
<td class=form-label>End Date</td>
<td class=form-widget>
<input type=textfield name=report_end_date value=$report_end_date>
<td class=form-label>Format</td>
<td class=form-widget>
[im_report_output_format_select report_output_format "" $report_output_format]
<td class=form-label></td>
<td class=form-widget><input type=submit value=Submit></td>
<table border=0 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=1>\n"
im_report_render_row \
-output_format $report_output_format \
-row $header0 \
-row_class "rowtitle" \
-cell_class "rowtitle"
set footer_array_list [list]
set last_value_list [list]
set class "rowodd"
db_foreach sql $sql {
im_report_display_footer \
-output_format $report_output_format \
-group_def $report_def \
-footer_array_list $footer_array_list \
-last_value_array_list $last_value_list \
-level_of_detail $report_level_of_detail \
-row_class $class \
-cell_class $class
im_report_update_counters -counters $counters
set last_value_list [im_report_render_header \
-output_format $report_output_format \
-group_def $report_def \
-last_value_array_list $last_value_list \
-level_of_detail $report_level_of_detail \
-row_class $class \
-cell_class $class
set footer_array_list [im_report_render_footer \
-output_format $report_output_format \
-group_def $report_def \
-last_value_array_list $last_value_list \
-level_of_detail $report_level_of_detail \
-row_class $class \
-cell_class $class
im_report_display_footer \
-output_format $report_output_format \
-group_def $report_def \
-footer_array_list $footer_array_list \
-last_value_array_list $last_value_list \
-level_of_detail $report_level_of_detail \
-display_all_footers_p 1 \
-row_class $class \
-cell_class $class
im_report_render_row \
-output_format $report_output_format \
-row $footer0 \
-row_class $class \
-cell_class $class
switch $report_output_format {
html { ns_write "</table>\n[im_footer]\n" }
Markdown is supported
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