Commit 047e96ad authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- Changes @ Opus5

parent 949a3666
......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ ad_proc -public im_employee_status_past {} { return 455 }
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
ad_proc im_employee_info_component { employee_id return_url {view_name ""} } {
Show some simple information about a employeer
Show some simple information about a employee
} {
if {"" == $view_name} { set view_name "employees_view" }
ns_log Notice "im_employee_info_component: employee_id=$employee_id, view_name=$view_name"
......@@ -62,7 +62,10 @@ ad_proc im_employee_info_component { employee_id return_url {view_name ""} } {
if {![im_permission $current_user_id view_hr]} { return "" }
# Finally: Show this component only for employees
if {![im_user_is_employee_p $employee_id]} { return "" }
if {![im_user_is_employee_p $employee_id]} {
ns_log Notice "im_employee_info_component: user is not an employee..."
return ""
# --------------- Select all values --------------------------
......@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ ad_form \
{social_security:text(text),optional {label $social_security_label} {html {size 10}} }
{insurance:text(text),optional {label $insurance_label} {html {size 10}} }
{other_costs:text(text),optional {label $other_cost_label} {html {size 10}} }
{currency:text(select),optional {label $currency_label} {options $currency_options} }
{currency:text(select) {label $currency_label} {options $currency_options} }
{salary_payments_per_year:text(text),optional {label $salary_payments_per_year_label} {html {size 10}} }
{birthdate:text(text),optional {label $birthdate_label} {html {size 10}} }
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