Commit 149d3c25 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

-- added hidden parameter to allow CC entries for "Employee Information" attribute "department"

parent 5f0e74f8
......@@ -155,7 +155,19 @@ if {[llength $rep_cost_ids] == 0} {
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
set currency_options [im_currency_options]
set department_options [im_department_options]
# Hidden parameter "EmployeeInformationShowDepartmentsOnly". This allows configuration option as follows:
# Department-1
# - CC-A
# - Employee Ben Bigboss
# - CC-B
# - Employee Petra Projectanager
# Department-2
# ....
# ...visible at http://[YOUR_SERVER]/cost-centers/index/
set department_only_p [parameter::get -package_id [apm_package_id_from_key intranet-hr] -parameter "EmployeeInformationShowDepartmentsOnly" -default 1]
set department_options [im_cost_center_options -include_empty 0 -department_only_p $department_only_p]
set end_date $end_century
set supervisor_options [im_employee_options 1]
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