Commit 2ba75032 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- Working on GitHub

parent 2c8c8d9e
# ]po[ Human Resources
This package is part of ]project-open[, an open-source enterprise project management system.
For more information about ]project-open[ please see:
* [Documentation Wiki](
* [V5.0 Download](
* [Installation Instructions](
<p><p>The Human Resources (HR) package enables basic data information storage for employees. All employee data is centrally mounted on their profile page. Components can be added to their page as necessary enriching the information available about this employee and what projects they are participating and companies they are related to. As always, who is able to view, and how much they are able to view, is dependent on security privileges. <p><p><img src="/images/manual_screenshots/screenshot_human_resource_management.gif" /><p>(Screenshot showing a basic resource list of HR info about an employee) <p><p> &shy;
About ]po[ Human Resources:
<p><p>The Human Resources (HR) package enables basic data information storage for employees. All employee data is centrally mounted on their profile page. Components can be added to their page as necessary enriching the information available about this employee and what projects they are participating and companies they are related to. As always, who is able to view, and how much they are able to view, is dependent on security privileges. <p><p><img src="" /><p>(Screenshot showing a basic resource list of HR info about an employee) <p><p> &shy;
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