Commit 40a14d70 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- added date checking "-validate" code

parent b9c6c0f3
......@@ -201,8 +201,8 @@ ad_form \
{job_title:text(text),optional {label $job_title_label} {html {size 30}} }
{job_description:text(textarea),nospell,optional {label $job_description_label} {html {rows 5 cols 40}}}
{start_date:text(text),optional {label $start_date_label} {html {size 10}} }
{end_date:text(text),optional {label $end_date_label} {html {size 10}} }
{start_date:text(text) {label $start_date_label} {html {size 10}} }
{end_date:text(text) {label $end_date_label} {html {size 10}} }
{voluntary_termination_p:text(radio),optional {label $voluntary_termination_p_label} {options $voluntary_termination_options} }
{termination_reason:text(textarea),nospell,optional {label $termination_reason_label} {html {rows 5 cols 40}}}
......@@ -239,7 +239,8 @@ ad_form -extend -name cost -on_request {
THEN to_date(:end_century,:date_format)
ELSE to_date(to_char(rc.end_date,:date_format),:date_format)
END as end_date,
to_char(e.birthdate,:date_format) as birthdate
from parties p,
im_employees e,
im_repeating_costs rc,
......@@ -249,6 +250,26 @@ ad_form -extend -name cost -on_request {
and p.party_id = e.employee_id
and p.party_id = ci.cause_object_id
and ci.cost_id = rc.rep_cost_id
} -validate {
{ "" == $birthdate || [regexp {^....\-..\-..$} $birthdate] }
"Bad date. Please use 'YYYY-MM-DD' to format the date."
{ "" == $end_date || [regexp {^....\-..\-..$} $end_date] }
"Bad date. Please use 'YYYY-MM-DD' to format the date."
{ "" == $start_date || [regexp {^....\-..\-..$} $start_date] }
"Bad date. Please use 'YYYY-MM-DD' to format the date."
} -after_submit {
set cost_name $employee_name
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