Commit 9516e8f5 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

Fixed cedis issue with FinDocs not showing up with a NULl cost center

parent 03ee71b1
......@@ -344,31 +344,28 @@ from
im_costs ci
LEFT OUTER JOIN im_projects pr on (ci.project_id = pr.project_id),
im_companies c,
im_companies p,
( select distinct
im_companies p
i.invoice_id = ci.cost_id
and ci.customer_id = c.company_id
and ci.provider_id = p.company_id
and (ci.cost_center_id is NULL or ci.cost_center_id in (
select distinct cc.cost_center_id
from im_cost_centers cc,
im_cost_types ct,
acs_permissions p,
party_approved_member_map m,
acs_object_context_index c,
acs_privilege_descendant_map h
p.object_id = c.ancestor_id
where p.object_id = c.ancestor_id
and h.descendant = ct.read_privilege
and c.object_id = cc.cost_center_id
and m.member_id = :user_id
and p.privilege = h.privilege
and p.grantee_id = m.party_id
) readable_ccs
i.invoice_id = ci.cost_id
and ci.customer_id = c.company_id
and ci.provider_id = p.company_id
and ci.cost_center_id = readable_ccs.cost_center_id
and ci.cost_type_id = readable_ccs.cost_type_id
and ct.cost_type_id = ci.cost_type_id
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