Commit 62178457 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- Removed obsolete files

parent 421cdaaa
<property name="header_stuff">
<!-- <SCRIPT Language="JavaScript" src="/resources/diagram/diagram/diagram.js"></SCRIPT></property> -->
<h2>First Header</h2>
<diagram name="dia1"></diagram>
<div style='border:2px solid blue; position:relative;top:0px;height:200px;width:600px;'>
<h2>Second Header</h2>
ad_page_contract {
} {
{d1 1}
{d2 2}
{width 480}
{height 150}
{dot_type 1}
{size 2}
{d1_color "ff5533"}
{d2_color "aaee33"}
{csv ""}
{x_scale 2}
{y_scale 1}
{template curve}
{limit 20}
{top 40}
{left 100}
set query "select
to_char(x1, 'YYYY,MM,DD,HH24,MI,SS') as x1,
to_char(x2, 'YYYY,MM,DD,HH24,MI,SS') as x2,
to_char(x3, 'YYYY,MM,DD,HH24,MI,SS') as x3,
from diagram_dummy_logs
order by x1
limit $limit"
db_multirow datasource select_objects $query
template::diagram::create \
-name dia1 \
-multirow datasource \
-title "Monitoring - Dummy" \
-x_label "Time" \
-y_label "Count" \
-left $left -top $top -right $width -bottom $height \
-scales "$x_scale $y_scale" \
-template $template \
-elements {
d1 {
color "#$d1_color"
type 1
label "Objects"
size 7
dot_type 3
d2 {
color "#$d2_color"
type 4
label "Memory"
size 1
dot_type 3
d3 {
color "#c0c0c0"
type 3
label "Disc Usage"
size 4
dot_type 4
if {([info exists csv] && $csv ne "")} {
template::diagram::write_output -name dia1
\ No newline at end of file
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