Commit 854e6fd6 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- Reporting-Dashboard:

  Fixed PostgreSQL 8.4 issue
parent 53f7eefd
......@@ -101,8 +101,8 @@ ad_proc -public im_dashboard_generic_component {
" -default 'f']
if {![string equal "t" $read_p]} { return "" }
if {"" == $start_date} { set start_date [db_string start "select to_date(now()::date-10000, 'YYYY-MM-01')"] }
if {"" == $end_date} { set end_date [db_string start "select to_date(now()::date+60, 'YYYY-MM-01')"] }
if {"" == $start_date} { set start_date [db_string start "select to_char(now()::date-10000, 'YYYY-MM-01')"] }
if {"" == $end_date} { set end_date [db_string start "select to_char(now()::date+60, 'YYYY-MM-01')"] }
set params [list \
[list component_name $component_name] \
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