Commit 88cb876c authored by cosine's avatar cosine

- Added diagram.js requests where needed

parent 33a94962
......@@ -573,6 +573,8 @@ ad_proc im_dashboard_pie_chart {
-values {{Abc 10} {Bcde 20} {Cdefg 30} {Defg 25}}
} {
template::head::add_javascript -src "/resources/diagram/diagram/diagram.js" -order "40"
if {"" == $font_color} { set font_color [im_dashboard_color -type "pie_text_color"] }
if {[llength $values] < $max_entries} { set max_entries [llength $values] }
......@@ -691,6 +693,8 @@ ad_proc im_dashboard_histogram {
-values {{Potential 10} {Quoting 5} {Open 5} {Invoicing 6}} \
} {
template::head::add_javascript -src "/resources/diagram/diagram/diagram.js" -order "40"
if {"" == $bar_color} { set bar_color [im_dashboard_color -type bar_color] }
if {"" == $bar_text_color} { set bar_text_color [im_dashboard_color -type bar_text_color] }
if {"" == $bar_bg_color} { set bar_bg_color [im_dashboard_color -type bar_bg_color] }
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