Commit 2df06c83 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- Added cash-flow menu

parent 9cbceb4e
SELECT acs_log__debug('/packages/intranet-reporting-finance/sql/postgresql/upgrade/upgrade-','');
select im_menu__delete(
(select menu_id from im_menus where label = 'reporting-finance-cash-flow' and package_name = 'intranet-reporting-finance')
SELECT im_menu__new (
null, 'im_menu', now(), null, null, null,
'intranet-reporting-finance', -- package_name
'reporting-finance-cash-flow', -- label
'Finance - Cash Flow', -- name
'/intranet-reporting-finance/finance-cash-flow', -- url
50, -- sort_order
(select menu_id from im_menus where label='reporting-finance'),
null -- p_visible_tcl
SELECT acs_permission__grant_permission(
(select menu_id from im_menus where label = 'reporting-finance-cash-flow'),
(select group_id from groups where group_name = 'Senior Managers'),
SELECT acs_permission__grant_permission(
(select menu_id from im_menus where label = 'reporting-finance-cash-flow'),
(select group_id from groups where group_name = 'Accounting'),
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