Commit a47d93c6 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- backported stuff from V3.2

parent d1b216ed
Pipeline #379 failed with stages
......@@ -455,4 +455,139 @@ ad_proc im_report_skip_if_zero {
} {
if {0 == $amount} { return "" }
return $string
\ No newline at end of file
ad_proc im_report_write_http_headers {
} {
Writes a suitable HTTP header to the connection.
We need this custom routine in order to deal with
strange IE5/6 and MS-Excel behaviour that require
Latin1 (iso-8859-1) or other encodings, depending
on the country specific version of Excel...
} {
set content_type [im_report_content_type -output_format $output_format]
set http_encoding [im_report_http_encoding -output_format $output_format]
# ad_return_complaint 1 $http_encoding
# set content_type "text/html"
append content_type "; charset=$http_encoding"
set all_the_headers "HTTP/1.0 200 OK
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: $content_type\r\n"
util_WriteWithExtraOutputHeaders $all_the_headers
ns_startcontent -type $content_type
ad_proc im_report_content_type {
} {
Returns the suitable MIME type for the given output_format
} {
# return "text/html"
switch $output_format {
html { return "text/html" }
csv {
return [parameter::get_from_package_key \
-package_key intranet-dw-light \
-parameter CsvContentType \
-default "application/csv" \
default { return "text/plain" }
ad_proc im_report_tcl_encoding {
} {
Returns a suitable conversion for the 'encoding convertto' command.
Please see 'encoding list' for a list of values and the TCL manuals
for an introduction to character encoding.
Please note that the values are similar to the HTTP encodings,
but not identical.
} {
switch $output_format {
html { return "" }
csv {
return [parameter::get_from_package_key \
-package_key intranet-dw-light \
-parameter CsvTclCharacterEncoding \
-default "iso8859-1" \
default { return "" }
ad_proc im_report_http_encoding {
} {
Returns a suitable HTTP "Content-Type" value.
Please note that the values are similar to the TCL encodings,
but not identical.
} {
switch $output_format {
html { return "utf-8" }
csv {
return [parameter::get_from_package_key \
-package_key intranet-dw-light \
-parameter CsvHttpCharacterEncoding \
-default "iso-8859-1" \
default { return "utf-8" }
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Pivot Table helper procs
# -------------------------------------------------------
ad_proc -public im_report_take_n_from_list { list n } {
returns n elements from list
} {
if {$n <= 0} { return [list $list] }
set result [list]
for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $list]} {incr i} {
set elem [lindex $list $i]
set left_rest [lrange $list 0 [expr $i-1]]
set right_rest [lrange $list [expr $i+1] end]
set rest [concat $left_rest $right_rest]
set rest_perms [im_report_take_n_from_list $rest [expr $n-1]]
foreach rest_perm $rest_perms {
lappend result $rest_perm
return [lsort -unique $result]
ad_proc -public im_report_take_all_ordered_permutations { list } {
returns all permutations of a list
} {
set n [llength $list]
set result [list]
for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $list]} {incr i} {
set result [concat $result [im_report_take_n_from_list $list $i]]
lappend result [list]
return $result
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