Commit 206fc1a1 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- Removing trailing zeros from several date components

parent dc4a584b
......@@ -246,17 +246,19 @@ ad_proc -public im_date_julian_to_components { julian_date } {
set ansi [dt_julian_to_ansi $julian_date]
regexp {(....)-(..)-(..)} $ansi match year month_of_year day_of_month
# Trim zero for months JAN-SEPT
if { $month_of_year < 10 } { set month_of_year [string trim $month_of_year 0]}
set first_year_julian [dt_ansi_to_julian $year 1 1]
set day_of_year [expr {$julian_date - $first_year_julian + 1}]
set quarter_of_year [expr {1 + int(($month_of_year-1) / 3)}]
set week_of_year [util_memoize [list db_string dow "select to_char(to_date('$julian_date', 'J'),'IW')"]]
set day_of_week [util_memoize [list db_string dow "select extract(dow from to_date('$julian_date', 'J'))"]]
if {0 == $day_of_week} { set day_of_week 7 }
# Trim zeros
if {"0" eq [string range $month_of_year 0 0]} { set month_of_year [string range $month_of_year 1 end] }
if {"0" eq [string range $week_of_year 0 0]} { set week_of_year [string range $week_of_year 1 end] }
if {"0" eq [string range $day_of_month 0 0]} { set day_of_month [string range $day_of_month 1 end] }
set quarter_of_year [expr {1 + int(($month_of_year-1) / 3)}]
return [list year $year \
month_of_year $month_of_year \
day_of_month $day_of_month \
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