Commit 3e2f5917 authored by cosine's avatar cosine

- Fixed procedure to calculate vacation days in a period

parent 84861cbb
-- upgrade-
SELECT acs_log__debug('/packages/intranet-resource-management/sql/postgresql/upgrade/upgrade-','');
-- Returns a real[] for each day between start and end
-- with 100 for a full absence (vacation, bank holiday, ...any)
drop function if exists im_resource_mgmt_absence_days(integer, date, date);
create or replace function im_resource_mgmt_absence_days (integer, date, date)
returns float[] as $body$
p_user_id alias for $1;
p_start_date alias for $2;
p_end_date alias for $3;
v_offset integer;
v_max_offset integer;
v_weekday integer;
v_date date;
v_work_days float[];
v_date_difference integer;
v_perc float;
v float;
row record;
-- Initiate the result array with zeros
-- The array starts (index 0) with p_start_date and ends with p_end_date
v_date := p_start_date;
WHILE (v_date <= p_end_date) LOOP
v_offset = (v_date - p_start_date);
v_work_days[v_offset] := 0;
v_date := v_date + 1;
-- Apply absences
v_max_offset = (p_end_date - p_start_date);
FOR row IN
select a.*
from im_user_absences a
where (a.owner_id = p_user_id OR a.group_id = p_user_id OR a.group_id in (select group_id from group_distinct_member_map where member_id = p_user_id)) and
a.end_date::date >= p_start_date and a.start_date::date <= p_end_date and
-- a.absence_type_id in (select * from im_sub_categories(5005)) and -- only bank holidays
a.absence_status_id not in (select * from im_sub_categories(16002) union select * from im_sub_categories(16006)) -- exclude deleted and rejected
v_date_difference = 1 + row.end_date::date - row.start_date::date;
v_perc = 100.0 * row.duration_days / v_date_difference;
RAISE NOTICE 'im_resource_mgmt_work_days(%,%,%): Absence %: %perc', p_user_id, row.start_date::date, row.end_date::date, row.absence_name, v_perc;
v_date := row.start_date;
WHILE (v_date <= row.end_date) LOOP
v_offset = (v_date - p_start_date);
v_date := v_date + 1;
if v_offset < 0 THEN continue; END IF;
if v_offset > v_max_offset THEN continue; END IF;
v := v_work_days[v_offset];
IF v is null THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'im_resource_mgmt_absence_days: found null in array at offset %', v_offset; continue; END IF;
v := v + v_perc;
if v > 100.0 THEN v := 100.0; END IF;
v_work_days[v_offset] := v;
-- Set weekends to zero
v_date := p_start_date;
WHILE (v_date <= p_end_date) LOOP
v_weekday := to_char(v_date, 'D');
IF v_weekday = 1 OR v_weekday = 7 THEN
v_work_days[v_date - p_start_date] := 0;
v_date := v_date + 1;
return v_work_days;
END;$body$ language 'plpgsql';
-- select im_resource_mgmt_work_days(55807, '2020-10-01', '2020-10-31');
-- select im_resource_mgmt_work_days_cosine(55807, '2020-10-01', '2020-10-31');
-- select im_resource_mgmt_absence_days(55807, '2020-10-01', '2020-10-31');
select im_resource_mgmt_absence_days(55807, '2019-03-19', '2021-01-29');
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