Commit 74daf015 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- Implemented cutting percentages on the start- and end date of an assignment

  when cutting into a fraction of a day
parent eaf73b65
......@@ -349,10 +349,10 @@ ad_proc -public im_resource_mgmt_resource_planning_percentage {
(length(child.tree_sortkey) / 8) - 3 as level,
greatest(to_char(child.start_date::date, 'J')::integer, :report_start_julian::integer) child_start_julian,
extract(hour from child.start_date) * 60 + extract(minutes from child.start_date) as child_start_minutes,
round((extract(hour from child.start_date) + extract(minute from child.start_date) / 60.0)::numeric, 2) as child_start_hours,
least(to_char(child.end_date, 'J')::integer, :report_end_julian::integer) as child_end_julian,
extract(hour from child.end_date) * 60 + extract(minutes from child.end_date) as child_end_minutes,
round((extract(hour from child.end_date) + extract(minute from child.end_date) / 60.0)::numeric ,2) as child_end_hours,
coalesce(t.planned_units, 0) as planned_units
from im_projects parent,
......@@ -372,8 +372,8 @@ ad_proc -public im_resource_mgmt_resource_planning_percentage {
set project_start_julian_hash($project_id) $child_start_julian
set project_end_julian_hash($project_id) $child_end_julian
set project_start_minutes_hash($project_id) $child_start_minutes
set project_end_minutes_hash($project_id) $child_end_minutes
set project_start_hours_hash($project_id) $child_start_hours
set project_end_hours_hash($project_id) $child_end_hours
set project_level_hash($project_id) $level
set project_planned_hours($project_id) $planned_units
......@@ -648,8 +648,8 @@ ad_proc -public im_resource_mgmt_resource_planning_percentage {
set end_julian $project_end_julian_hash($project_id)
set parent_list $left_dimension_hash($key)
set start_minutes $project_start_julian_hash($project_id)
set end_minutes $project_end_julian_hash($project_id); # !!!
set start_hours $project_start_hours_hash($project_id)
set end_hours $project_end_hours_hash($project_id);
foreach oid $parent_list {
for {set j $start_julian} {$j <= $end_julian} {incr j} {
......@@ -657,7 +657,37 @@ ad_proc -public im_resource_mgmt_resource_planning_percentage {
# Skip weekends
if {[info exists weekend_hash($j)]} { continue }
# if {48349 == $project_id} { ad_return_complaint 1 "pid=$project_id, uid=$user_id, start_julian=$start_julian, end_julian=$end_julian, perc=$percentage, assigavail=$assigavail" }
set assig $assigavail
# First day of the interval - Cut percentage based on start_hour
if {$j == $start_julian} {
set hours [expr 17.0 - $start_hours]; # Hours from start of interval until 5:00pm (=17.0)
if {$hours < 0.0} { set hours 0.0 }
if {$hours > 8.0} { set hours 8.0 }
set assig [expr round($assigavail * $hours / 8.0)]
# ns_log Notice "im_resource_mgmt_resource_planning_percentage: 1st day of interval: j=[expr $j-$start_julian], oid=$oid, uid=$user_id, start_julian=$start_julian, start_hours=$start_hours, end_julian=$end_julian, end_hours=$end_hours, hours=$hours, perc=$percentage, assig=$assig"
# Last day of the interval - Cut percentage based on end_hour
if {$j == $end_julian} {
set hours [expr 17.0 - $end_hours]; # Hours from start of interval until 5:00pm (=17.0)
if {$hours < 0.0} { set hours 0.0 }
if {$hours > 8.0} { set hours 8.0 }
set assig [expr round($assigavail * (8.0 - $hours) / 8.0)]
# ns_log Notice "im_resource_mgmt_resource_planning_percentage: last day of interval: j=[expr $j-$start_julian], oid=$oid, uid=$user_id, start_julian=$start_julian, start_hours=$start_hours, end_julian=$end_julian, end_hours=$end_hours, hours=$hours, perc=$percentage, assig=$assig"
# Special case: 1-day assignment - Cut percentage based on both start and end
if {$start_julian == $end_julian} {
if {$start_hours < 9.0} { set start_hours 9.0 }
if {$end_hours > 17.0} { set end_hours 17.0 }
set hours [expr $end_hours - $start_hours]
if {$hours < 0.0} { set hours 0.0 }
if {$hours > 8.0} { set hours 8.0 }
set assig [expr round($assigavail * $hours / 8.0)]
# ns_log Notice "im_resource_mgmt_resource_planning_percentage: only day of interval: j=[expr $j-$start_julian], oid=$oid, uid=$user_id, start_julian=$start_julian, start_hours=$start_hours, end_julian=$end_julian, end_hours=$end_hours, hours=$hours, perc=$percentage, assig=$assig"
# Calculate the date component of the key, depending on top_vars
......@@ -675,7 +705,7 @@ ad_proc -public im_resource_mgmt_resource_planning_percentage {
set key [join $key_list "-"]
set v 0
if {[info exists assignment_hash($key)]} { set v $assignment_hash($key) }
set assignment_hash($key) [expr $v + $assigavail]
set assignment_hash($key) [expr $v + $assig]
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