Commit 94d9cd33 authored by cosine's avatar cosine

- Accellerated im_date_julian_to_components a bit

parent 748647aa
......@@ -143,7 +143,21 @@ ad_proc -public im_resource_management_user_absences {
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
ad_proc -public im_date_julian_to_components { julian_date } {
ad_proc -public im_date_julian_to_components {
} {
Takes a Julian data and returns an array of its components:
Year, MonthOfYear, DayOfMonth, WeekOfYear, Quarter
} {
im_security_alert_check_integer -location "im_date_julian_to_components" -value $julian_date
return [util_memoize [list im_date_julian_to_components_helper $julian_date] 3600]
ad_proc -public im_date_julian_to_components_helper {
} {
Takes a Julian data and returns an array of its components:
Year, MonthOfYear, DayOfMonth, WeekOfYear, Quarter
} {
......@@ -184,7 +198,7 @@ ad_proc -public im_date_julian_to_components { julian_date } {
ad_proc -public im_date_julian_to_week_julian { julian_date } {
Takes a Julian data and returns the julian date of the week's day "1" (=Monday)
} {
array set week_info [im_date_julian_to_components $julian_date]
array set week_info [util_memoize [list im_date_julian_to_components $julian_date]]
set result [expr {$julian_date - $week_info(day_of_week)}]
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