Commit c53dc961 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- Fixed issue calculating duration of vacations that start and end in

  different months
parent e2ff8ee4
......@@ -348,16 +348,16 @@ BEGIN
FOR row IN
select *
from im_user_absences a
where (a.owner_id = p_user_id
OR a.group_id = p_user_id
OR a.group_id in (select group_id from group_distinct_member_map where member_id = p_user_id)
where ( a.owner_id = p_user_id OR
a.group_id = p_user_id OR
a.group_id in (select group_id from group_distinct_member_map where member_id = p_user_id)
) and
a.end_date >= p_start_date and
a.start_date <= p_end_date and
a.absence_type_id = 5005 and -- bank holidays
a.absence_status_id in (select child_id from im_category_hierarchy where parent_id = 16000 UNION select 16000) -- active
a.absence_type_id in (select * from im_sub_categories(5005)) and -- bank holidays
a.absence_status_id not in (select * from im_sub_categories(16002) union select * from im_sub_categories(16006)) -- exclude deleted and rejected
RAISE NOTICE 'im_resource_mgmt_user_absence(%,%,%): Bank Holiday %', p_user_id, p_start_date, p_end_date, row.absence_name;
-- RAISE NOTICE 'im_resource_mgmt_user_absence(%,%,%): Bank Holiday %', p_user_id, p_start_date, p_end_date, row.absence_name;
v_date := row.start_date;
WHILE (v_date <= row.end_date) LOOP
v_work_days[v_date - p_start_date] := 0;
......@@ -367,7 +367,7 @@ BEGIN
return v_work_days;
END;$body$ language 'plpgsql';
-- select im_resource_mgmt_work_days(624, now()::date, '2014-06-30');
-- select im_resource_mgmt_work_days(624, '2019-11-01', '2019-11-30');
-- select im_resource_mgmt_work_days(463, '2018-12-01'::date, '2019-01-01');
......@@ -384,6 +384,7 @@ DECLARE
v_weekday integer;
v_date date;
v_work_days float[];
v_absence_work_days float[];
v_result float[];
v_absence_duration_work_days integer;
v_absence_percentage float;
......@@ -411,8 +412,15 @@ BEGIN
-- Calculate the number of work days in the absence
v_absence_duration_work_days = 0;
v_date := row.start_date;
-- Calculate the workable days during the absence.
-- Use the v_work_days by default, unless the absence is (partially) outside the reporting interval
v_absence_work_days := v_work_days;
IF (row.start_date::date < p_start_date::date OR row.end_date::date > p_end_date::date) THEN
v_absence_work_days = im_resource_mgmt_work_days(p_user_id, row.start_date::date, row.end_date::date);
WHILE (v_date <= row.end_date) LOOP
IF v_work_days[v_date - p_start_date] > 0 THEN
IF v_absence_work_days[v_date - row.start_date::date] > 0 THEN
v_absence_duration_work_days = 1 + v_absence_duration_work_days;
v_date := v_date + 1;
......@@ -434,7 +442,7 @@ BEGIN
-- Add the absence percentage to the result set
RAISE NOTICE 'im_resource_mgmt_user_absence(%,%,%): Absence %: dur=%, workdays=%, perc=%', p_user_id, p_start_date, p_end_date, row.absence_name, row.duration_days, v_absence_duration_work_days, v_absence_percentage;
RAISE NOTICE 'im_resource_mgmt_user_absence(%,%,%): Absence %: dur=%, workdays=%, perc=%, start=%, end=%', p_user_id, p_start_date, p_end_date, row.absence_name, row.duration_days, v_absence_duration_work_days, v_absence_percentage, row.start_date, row.end_date;
-- Add the vacation to the vacation days
v_date := row.start_date;
......@@ -448,7 +456,7 @@ BEGIN
return v_result;
END;$body$ language 'plpgsql';
-- select im_resource_mgmt_user_absence(624, now()::date, '2014-06-30');
-- select im_resource_mgmt_user_absence(11180, '2019-11-01', '2019-11-30');
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