Commit 1e15e176 authored by khofeditz's avatar khofeditz

-- Added support for new pseudo object: indicator_result_interval

parent 282bfe59
......@@ -1004,3 +1004,162 @@ ad_proc -private im_rest_get_im_dynfield_attributes {
ad_proc -private im_rest_get_im_indicator_result_interval {
{ -format "xml" }
{ -rest_user_id 0 }
{ -rest_otype "" }
{ -query_hash_pairs {} }
{ -rest_oid ""}
{ -debug 0 }
} {
Handler for GET rest calls on indicator results
} {
# Note: var "result" had been replaced with "output" since it is used in table im_indicator_results
ns_log Notice "im_rest_get_im_indicator_result_interval: format=$format, user_id=$rest_user_id, rest_otype=$rest_otype, query_hash=$query_hash_pairs"
array set query_hash $query_hash_pairs
set base_url "[im_rest_system_url]/intranet-rest"
set rest_indicator_otype_id [util_memoize [list db_string otype_id "select object_type_id from im_rest_object_types where object_type = 'im_indicator'" -default 0]]
set rest_otype_read_all_p [im_object_permission -object_id $rest_indicator_otype_id -user_id $rest_user_id -privilege "read"]
# Get locate for translation
set locale [lang::user::locale -user_id $rest_user_id]
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Valid variables to return indicators
set valid_vars {result_id result_indicator_id result_date result_date_pretty result result_count result_system_key result_sector_id result_company_size result_geo_region_id result_object_id}
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Check if there is a where clause specified in the URL and validate the clause.
set where_clause ""
if {[info exists query_hash(query)]} { set where_clause $query_hash(query)}
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Check if there are "valid_vars" specified in the HTTP header
# and add these vars to the SQL clause
set where_clause_list [list]
foreach v $valid_vars {
if {[info exists query_hash($v)]} { lappend where_clause_list "$v=$query_hash($v)" }
if {"" != $where_clause && [llength $where_clause_list] > 0} { append where_clause " and " }
append where_clause [join $where_clause_list " and "]
# Check that the query is a valid SQL where clause
set valid_sql_where [im_rest_valid_sql -string $where_clause -variables $valid_vars]
if {!$valid_sql_where} {
im_rest_error -format $format -http_status 403 -message "The specified query is not a valid SQL where clause: '$where_clause'"
if {"" != $where_clause} { set where_clause "and $where_clause" }
# Single Object?
set where_clause_oid ""
if { "" != $rest_oid } { set where_clause_oid "and result_id = :rest_oid" }
# Select SQL: Pull out categories.
set sql "
result_id as rest_oid,
to_char(r.result_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD') as result_date_pretty,
im_indicator_results r
order by
# Append pagination "LIMIT $limit OFFSET $start" to the sql
set unlimited_sql $sql
append sql [im_rest_object_type_pagination_sql -query_hash_pairs $query_hash_pairs]
set value ""
set output ""
set obj_ctr 0
db_foreach objects $sql {
# Calculate indent
# set indent [expr [string length tree_sortkey] - 8]
# Check permissions
set read_p $rest_otype_read_all_p
set read_p 1
if {!$read_p} { continue }
set url "$base_url/$rest_otype/$rest_oid"
switch $format {
xml { append output "<object_id id=\"$rest_oid\" href=\"$url\">$result_id</object_id>\n" }
html {
append output "<tr>
<td align='right'>$result</td>
<td align='right'>$result_count</td>
<td align='right'>$result_system_key</td>
<td align='right'>$result_sector_id</td>
<td align='right'>$result_company_size</td>
<td align='right'>$result_geo_region_id</td>
<td align='right'>$result_object_id</td>
json {
set komma ",\n"
if {0 == $obj_ctr} { set komma "" }
set dereferenced_result ""
foreach v $valid_vars {
eval "set a $$v"
regsub -all {\n} $a {\n} a
regsub -all {\r} $a {} a
append dereferenced_result ", \"$v\": \"[ns_quotehtml $a]\""
append output "$komma{\"id\": \"$rest_oid\", \"object_name\": \"[ns_quotehtml $result_id]\"$dereferenced_result}"
default {}
incr obj_ctr
switch $format {
html {
set page_title "object_type: $rest_otype"
im_rest_doc_return 200 "text/html" "
[im_header $page_title [im_rest_header_extra_stuff]][im_navbar]<table>
<tr class=rowtitle>
<td class=rowtitle>object_id</td>
<td class=rowtitle>result_indicator_id</td>
<td class=rowtitle>date</td>
<td class=rowtitle>result</td>
<td class=rowtitle>result_count</td>
<td class=rowtitle>result_system_key</td>
<td class=rowtitle>result_sector_id</td>
<td class=rowtitle>result_company_size</td>
<td class=rowtitle>result_geo_region_id</td>
<td class=rowtitle>result_object_id</td>
xml {
im_rest_doc_return 200 "text/xml" "<?xml version='1.0'?>\n<object_list>\n$output</object_list>\n"
json {
# Deal with different JSON variants for different AJAX frameworks
set output "{\"success\": true,\n\"message\": \"im_rest_get_im_indicator_result_interval: Data loaded\",\n\"data\": \[\n$output\n\]\n}"
im_rest_doc_return 200 "text/html" $output
......@@ -363,8 +363,11 @@ ad_proc -private im_rest_call {
# Check the "rest_otype" to be a valid object type
set valid_rest_otypes [util_memoize [list db_list otypes "
select object_type
from acs_object_types union
select 'im_category'
from acs_object_types
select 'im_category'
select 'im_indicator_result'
if {[lsearch $valid_rest_otypes $rest_otype] < 0} {
return [im_rest_error -format $format -http_status 406 -message "Invalid object_type '$rest_otype'. Valid object types include {im_project|im_company|...}."]
......@@ -375,6 +378,15 @@ ad_proc -private im_rest_call {
# Handle both "read" and "list" operations using the same procedure
switch $rest_otype {
im_indicator_result {
return [im_rest_get_im_indicator_result_interval \
-format $format \
-rest_user_id $rest_user_id \
-rest_otype $rest_otype \
-rest_oid $rest_oid \
-query_hash_pairs $query_hash_pairs \
im_category {
return [im_rest_get_im_categories \
-format $format \
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