Commit 44a684c9 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- Removed non-finished file

parent d72fd068
# /packages/sencha-rest/www/cost-center-tree.json.tcl
# Copyright (C) 2013 ]project-open[
ad_page_contract {
Returns a JSON tree structure suitable for batch-loading a cost center TreeStore
@param cost_center_id The top cost center
} {
{cost_center_id:integer 0}
{debug_p 0}
# --------------------------------------------
# Security & Permissions
set current_user_id [auth::require_login]
if {"" == $cost_center_id || 0 == $cost_center_id} {
# Use the topmost cost center as the base
set cost_center_id [im_cost_center_company]
im_cost_center_permissions $current_user_id $cost_center_id view read write admin
if {!$read} {
im_rest_error -format "json" -http_status 403 -message "You (user #$current_user_id) have no permissions to read cost_center #$cost_center_id"
set top_cc_id $cost_center_id
set top_cc_code [util_memoize [list db_string top_cc_code "select im_cost_center_code_from_id($top_cc_id) from dual"]]
set top_cc_code_len [string length $top_cc_code]
set top_cc_level [expr ($top_cc_code_len / 2) - 1]
# Get all the variables valid for timesheet cost_center
set valid_vars [util_memoize [list im_rest_object_type_columns -deref_p 0 -rest_otype "im_cost_center"]]
set valid_vars [lsort -unique $valid_vars]
set cost_centers_sql "
select cc.*,
length(cc.cost_center_code) / 2 - :top_cc_level as level,
CASE WHEN bts.open_p = 'o' THEN 'true' ELSE 'false' END as expanded,
(select count(*) from im_cost_centers child where child.parent_id = cc.cost_center_id) as num_children
from acs_objects o,
im_cost_centers cc
LEFT OUTER JOIN im_biz_object_tree_status bts ON (
cc.cost_center_id = bts.object_id and
bts.page_url = 'default' and
bts.user_id = :current_user_id
where cc.cost_center_id = o.object_id and
substring(cc.cost_center_code for :top_cc_code_len) = :top_cc_code
order by cc.cost_center_code
# Read the query into a Multirow, so that we can order
# it according to sort_order within the individual sub-levels.
db_multirow cost_center_multirow cost_center_list $cost_centers_sql {
# By default keep the main project "open".
if {"" == $parent_id} { set expanded "true" }
set title ""
set cost_center_json ""
set ctr 0
set old_level 1
set indent ""
template::multirow foreach cost_center_multirow {
ns_log Notice "cost-center-tree.json.tcl: cost_center_id=$cost_center_id"
if {$debug_p} { append cost_center_json "\n// finish: ctr=$ctr, level=$level, old_level=$old_level\n" }
# -----------------------------------------
# Close off the previous entry
# -----------------------------------------
# This is the first child of the previous item
# Increasing the level always happens in steps of 1
if {$level > $old_level} {
append cost_center_json ",\n${indent}\tchildren:\[\n"
# A group of children needs to be closed.
# Please note that this can cascade down to several levels.
while {$level < $old_level} {
append cost_center_json "\n${indent}\}\]\n"
incr old_level -1
set indent ""
for {set i 0} {$i < $old_level} {incr i} { append indent "\t" }
set cost_center_name "$cost_center_code - $cost_center_name"
# The current cost_center is on the same level as the previous.
# This is also executed after reducing the old_level in the previous while loop
if {$level == $old_level} {
if {0 != $ctr} {
append cost_center_json "${indent}\n${indent}\},\n"
if {$debug_p} { append cost_center_json "\n// $cost_center_name: ctr=$ctr, level=$level, old_level=$old_level\n" }
set indent ""
for {set i 0} {$i < $level} {incr i} { append indent "\t" }
if {0 == $num_children} { set leaf_json "true" } else { set leaf_json "false" }
set successor_cost_centers [list]
set predecessor_cost_centers [list]
if {[info exists successor_hash($cost_center_id)]} { set successor_cost_centers $successor_hash($cost_center_id) }
if {[info exists predecessor_hash($cost_center_id)]} { set predecessor_cost_centers $predecessor_hash($cost_center_id) }
append cost_center_json "${indent}\{
${indent}\tsuccessors:\[[join $successor_cost_centers ","]\],
${indent}\tpredecessors:\[[join $predecessor_cost_centers ","]\],
foreach var $valid_vars {
# Skip xml_* variables (only used by MS-Cost_Center)
if {[regexp {^xml_} $var match]} { continue }
# Append the value to the JSON output
set value [set $var]
set mapped_value [string map {"\n" "<br>" "\r" ""} $value]
append cost_center_json "${indent}\t$var:'$mapped_value',\n"
append cost_center_json "${indent}\tleaf:$leaf_json"
incr ctr
set old_level $level
set level 0
while {$level < $old_level} {
# A group of children needs to be closed.
# Please note that this can cascade down to several levels.
append cost_center_json "\n${indent}\}\]\n"
incr old_level -1
set indent ""
for {set i 0} {$i < $old_level} {incr i} { append indent "\t" }
doc_return 200 "text/plain" "{'text':'.','children': \[
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