Commit 5c46d290 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann


  Now using ns_register_proc instead of ad_register_proc in order to
  avoid ad_register_proc errors with PUT or DELETE
parent be755978
......@@ -10,10 +10,10 @@ ad_library {
# Register handler procedures for the various HTTP methods
ad_register_proc GET /intranet-rest/* im_rest_call_get
ad_register_proc POST /intranet-rest/* im_rest_call_post
ad_register_proc PUT /intranet-rest/* im_rest_call_put
ad_register_proc DELETE /intranet-rest/* im_rest_call_delete
ns_register_proc GET /intranet-rest/* im_rest_call_get
ns_register_proc POST /intranet-rest/* im_rest_call_post
ns_register_proc PUT /intranet-rest/* im_rest_call_put
ns_register_proc DELETE /intranet-rest/* im_rest_call_delete
# Create a global cache for im_rest entries
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