Commit 5e4e144a authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- REST Interface:

  Handling duplicate im_biz_objects relationship
  now gracefully
parent 8b473b34
......@@ -1407,18 +1407,20 @@ ad_proc -private im_rest_post_object_type_im_biz_object_member {
# Check for duplicate
set dup_sql "
select count(*)
select min(rel_id)
from acs_rels
where rel_type = :rest_otype and
object_id_one = :object_id_one and
object_id_two = :object_id_two
if {[db_string duplicates $dup_sql]} {
return [im_rest_error -format $format -http_status 406 -message "Duplicate $rest_otype_pretty: Your company_name or company_path already exists."]
set rest_oid [db_string duplicates $dup_sql -default ""]
if {[catch {
set rest_oid [db_string new_im_biz_object_member "
if {"" == $rest_oid} {
# Add the new relationship only if it doesn't exist yet
# Gracefully handle duplicates
if {[catch {
set rest_oid [db_string new_im_biz_object_member "
select im_biz_object_member__new (
null, -- rel_id
:rest_otype, -- rel_type
......@@ -1429,12 +1431,13 @@ ad_proc -private im_rest_post_object_type_im_biz_object_member {
:user_id, -- Creation user
'[ns_conn peeraddr]' -- Connection IP address for audit
} err_msg]} {
return [im_rest_error -format $format -http_status 406 -message "Error creating $rest_otype_pretty: '$err_msg'."]
} err_msg]} {
return [im_rest_error -format $format -http_status 406 -message "Error creating $rest_otype_pretty: '$err_msg'."]
im_audit -user_id $user_id -object_type $rest_otype -object_id $rest_oid -action create
im_audit -user_id $user_id -object_type $rest_otype -object_id $rest_oid -action create
set hash_array(rest_oid) $rest_oid
set hash_array(rel_id) $rest_oid
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