Commit ae334f21 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- Core + REST:

  Fixed and updated permission checking for users.
  Disadvantage: It's quite slow...
parent ed17086c
......@@ -790,7 +790,8 @@ ad_proc -private im_rest_get_object_type {
Handler for GET rest calls on a whole object type -
mapped to queries on the specified object type
} {
ns_log Notice "im_rest_get_object_type: format=$format, user_id=$user_id, rest_otype=$rest_otype, rest_oid=$rest_oid, query_hash=$query_hash_pairs"
set current_user_id $user_id
ns_log Notice "im_rest_get_object_type: format=$format, user_id=$current_user_id, rest_otype=$rest_otype, rest_oid=$rest_oid, query_hash=$query_hash_pairs"
array set query_hash $query_hash_pairs
set rest_otype_id [util_memoize [list db_string otype_id "select object_type_id from im_rest_object_types where object_type = '$rest_otype'" -default 0]]
......@@ -810,7 +811,7 @@ ad_proc -private im_rest_get_object_type {
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Check for generic permissions to read all objects of this type
set rest_otype_read_all_p [im_object_permission -object_id $rest_otype_id -user_id $user_id -privilege "read"]
set rest_otype_read_all_p [im_object_permission -object_id $rest_otype_id -user_id $current_user_id -privilege "read"]
# Deny completely access to the object type?
set rest_otype_read_none_p 0
......@@ -819,17 +820,17 @@ ad_proc -private im_rest_get_object_type {
# There are "view_xxx_all" permissions allowing a user to see all objects:
switch $rest_otype {
bt_bug { }
im_company { set rest_otype_read_all_p [im_permission $user_id "view_companies_all"] }
im_cost { set rest_otype_read_all_p [im_permission $user_id "view_finance"] }
im_conf_item { set rest_otype_read_all_p [im_permission $user_id "view_conf_items_all"] }
im_invoices { set rest_otype_read_all_p [im_permission $user_id "view_finance"] }
im_project { set rest_otype_read_all_p [im_permission $user_id "view_projects_all"] }
im_user_absence { set rest_otype_read_all_p [im_permission $user_id "view_absences_all"] }
im_office { set rest_otype_read_all_p [im_permission $user_id "view_offices_all"] }
im_ticket { set rest_otype_read_all_p [im_permission $user_id "view_tickets_all"] }
im_timesheet_task { set rest_otype_read_all_p [im_permission $user_id "view_timesheet_tasks_all"] }
im_timesheet_invoices { set rest_otype_read_all_p [im_permission $user_id "view_finance"] }
im_trans_invoices { set rest_otype_read_all_p [im_permission $user_id "view_finance"] }
im_company { set rest_otype_read_all_p [im_permission $current_user_id "view_companies_all"] }
im_cost { set rest_otype_read_all_p [im_permission $current_user_id "view_finance"] }
im_conf_item { set rest_otype_read_all_p [im_permission $current_user_id "view_conf_items_all"] }
im_invoices { set rest_otype_read_all_p [im_permission $current_user_id "view_finance"] }
im_project { set rest_otype_read_all_p [im_permission $current_user_id "view_projects_all"] }
im_user_absence { set rest_otype_read_all_p [im_permission $current_user_id "view_absences_all"] }
im_office { set rest_otype_read_all_p [im_permission $current_user_id "view_offices_all"] }
im_ticket { set rest_otype_read_all_p [im_permission $current_user_id "view_tickets_all"] }
im_timesheet_task { set rest_otype_read_all_p [im_permission $current_user_id "view_timesheet_tasks_all"] }
im_timesheet_invoices { set rest_otype_read_all_p [im_permission $current_user_id "view_finance"] }
im_trans_invoices { set rest_otype_read_all_p [im_permission $current_user_id "view_finance"] }
im_translation_task { }
user { }
default {
......@@ -874,7 +875,7 @@ ad_proc -private im_rest_get_object_type {
file_storage_object {
# file storage object needs additional security
lappend where_clause_unchecked_list "'t' = acs_permission__permission_p(o.object_id, $user_id, 'read')"
lappend where_clause_unchecked_list "'t' = acs_permission__permission_p(o.object_id, $current_user_id, 'read')"
......@@ -940,7 +941,7 @@ ad_proc -private im_rest_get_object_type {
if {!$read_p} {
# This is one of the "custom" object types - check the permission:
# This may be quite slow checking 100.000 objects one-by-one...
eval "${rest_otype}_permissions $user_id $rest_oid view_p read_p write_p admin_p"
eval "${rest_otype}_permissions $current_user_id $rest_oid view_p read_p write_p admin_p"
if {!$read_p} { continue }
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