Commit e6f6e365 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- REST Data-Source action for Sencha treeStores:

  Now ignoring update requests for a record with id="root",
  which corresponds to the root of the tree.
parent 6a4a530b
......@@ -26,6 +26,11 @@ ad_proc im_rest_project_task_tree_action {
set current_user_id [ad_get_user_id]
array set var_hash $var_hash_list
# Ignore the root of the tree that might be send by the Sencha side
set id ""
if {[info exists var_hash(id)]} { set id $var_hash(id) }
if {"root" == $id} { return; }
# Get the project/task_id
set project_id ""
if {[info exists var_hash(project_id)] && "" != $var_hash(project_id)} { set project_id $var_hash(project_id) }
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