Commit ece52c63 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

Summary: - REST / Gantt Editor:

  Fixed JSON quoting to deal with \ and " and
  adhere to standards in general
parent 077e8006
......@@ -118,7 +118,6 @@ set projects_sql "
p.*, -- p.* needs to come after gp.* in case gp is NULL
tree_level(p.tree_sortkey) as level,
(p.end_date - p.start_date)::interval as duration,
(select im_name_from_user_id(min(r.object_id_two)) from acs_rels r where r.object_id_one = p.project_id) as assignee,
(select count(*) from im_projects child where child.parent_id = p.project_id) as num_children,
CASE WHEN bts.open_p = 'o' THEN 'true' ELSE 'false' END as expanded,
......@@ -181,8 +180,6 @@ template::multirow foreach task_multirow {
for {set i 0} {$i < $old_level} {incr i} { append indent "\t" }
set project_name "$project_name"
# The current task is on the same level as the previous.
# This is also executed after reducing the old_level in the previous while loop
if {$level == $old_level} {
......@@ -203,25 +200,26 @@ template::multirow foreach task_multirow {
if {[info exists predecessor_hash($project_id)]} { set predecessor_tasks $predecessor_hash($project_id) }
if {[info exists assignee_hash($project_id)]} { set assignees $assignee_hash($project_id) }
set quoted_char_map {"\n" "\\\n" "\r" "" "\"" "\\\"" "\\" "\\\\"}
set quoted_project_name [string map $quoted_char_map $project_name]
append task_json "${indent}\{
${indent}\tpredecessors:\[[join $predecessor_tasks ", "]\],
${indent}\tassignees:\[[join $assignees ", "]\],
foreach var $valid_vars {
# Skip xml_* variables (only used by MS-Project)
if {[regexp {^xml_} $var match]} { continue }
# Append the value to the JSON output
set value [set $var]
set mapped_value [string map {"\n" "<br>" "\r" ""} $value]
append task_json "${indent}\t$var:'$mapped_value',\n"
set quoted_value [string map $quoted_char_map $value]
append task_json "${indent}\t$var:\"$quoted_value\",\n"
append task_json "${indent}\tleaf:$leaf_json"
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