Commit f453e02e authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- Fixed REST issues with authentication due to a missing close brace(?)

parent d6bdd45f
# /packages/intranet-rest/tcl/intranet-rest-procs.tcl
# Copyright (C) 2009 ]project-open[
# All rights reserved. Please check
# for details.
ad_library {
REST Web Service Component Library - Authentication
ad_proc -private im_rest_cookie_auth_user_id {
{-debug 1}
} {
Determine the user_id even if ns_conn doesn't work
in a HTTP PUT call
} {
# Get the user_id from the ad_user_login cookie
set header_vars [ns_conn headers]
set cookie_string [ns_set get $header_vars Cookie]
set cookie_list [split $cookie_string ";"]
array set cookie_hash {}
foreach l $cookie_list {
if {[regexp {([^ =]+)\=(.+)} $l match key value]} {
set key [ns_urldecode [string trim $key]]
set value [ns_urldecode [string trim $value]]
ns_log Notice "im_rest_cookie_auth_user_id: key=$key, value=$value"
set cookie_hash($key) $value
set rest_user_id ""
if {[info exists cookie_hash(ad_session_id)]} {
set ad_session_id $cookie_hash(ad_session_id)
ns_log Notice "im_rest_cookie_auth_user_id: ad_session_id=$ad_session_id"
set rest_user_id ""
catch { set rest_user_id [ad_conn user_id] }
if {"" ne $rest_user_id && 0 != $rest_user_id} {
ns_log Notice "im_rest_cookie_auth_user_id: found authenthicated rest_user_id=$rest_user_id from ad_session_id cookie: storing into cache"
ns_cache set im_rest $ad_session_id $rest_user_id
return $rest_user_id
if {[ns_cache get im_rest $ad_session_id value]} {
ns_log Notice "im_rest_cookie_auth_user_id: Didn't find authenticated rest_user_id: returning cached value"
return $value
if {[info exists cookie_hash(ad_user_login)]} {
set ad_user_login $cookie_hash(ad_user_login)
ns_log Notice "im_rest_cookie_auth_user_id: ad_user_login=$ad_user_login"
set rest_user_id ""
catch { set rest_user_id [ad_conn user_id] }
if {"" ne $rest_user_id && 0 != $rest_user_id} {
ns_log Notice "im_rest_cookie_auth_user_id: found authenticated rest_user_id=$rest_user_id from ad_user_login cookie: storing into cache"
ns_cache set im_rest $ad_user_login $rest_user_id
return $rest_user_id
if {[ns_cache get im_rest $ad_user_login value]} {
ns_log Notice "im_rest_cookie_auth_user_id: Didn't find authenticated rest_user_id: returning cached value"
return $value
ns_log Notice "im_rest_cookie_auth_user_id: Didn't find any information, returning {}"
return ""
ad_proc -private im_rest_authenticate {
{-debug 1}
{-format "json" }
} {
Determine the authenticated user
} {
array set query_hash $query_hash_pairs
set header_vars [ns_conn headers]
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Check for token authentication
set token_user_id ""
set token_token ""
if {[info exists query_hash(user_id)]} { set token_user_id $query_hash(user_id)}
if {[info exists query_hash(auth_token)]} { set token_token $query_hash(auth_token)}
if {[info exists query_hash(auto_login)]} { set token_token $query_hash(auto_login)}
# Check if the token fits the user
if {"" != $token_user_id && "" != $token_token} {
if {![im_valid_auto_login_p -user_id $token_user_id -auto_login $token_token -check_user_requires_manual_login_p 0]} {
set token_user_id ""
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Check for HTTP "basic" authorization
# Example: Authorization=Basic cHJvam9wOi5mcmFiZXI=
set basic_auth [ns_set get $header_vars "Authorization"]
set basic_auth_userpass ""
set basic_auth_username ""
set basic_auth_password ""
if {[regexp {^([a-zA-Z_]+)\ (.*)$} $basic_auth match method userpass_base64]} {
set basic_auth_userpass [base64::decode $userpass_base64]
regexp {^([^\:]+)\:(.*)$} $basic_auth_userpass match basic_auth_username basic_auth_password
if {$debug} { ns_log Notice "im_rest_authenticate: basic_auth: basic_auth_username=$basic_auth_username, basic_auth_password=$basic_auth_password" }
} else {
ns_log Notice "im_rest_authenticate: basic_auth: basic_auth=$basic_auth does not match with regexp"
set basic_auth_user_id [db_string userid "select user_id from users where lower(username) = lower(:basic_auth_username)" -default ""]
if {"" == $basic_auth_user_id} {
set basic_auth_user_id [db_string userid "select party_id from parties where lower(email) = lower(:basic_auth_username)" -default ""]
set basic_auth_password_ok_p undefined
if {"" != $basic_auth_user_id} {
set basic_auth_password_ok_p [ad_check_password $basic_auth_user_id $basic_auth_password]
if {!$basic_auth_password_ok_p} { set basic_auth_user_id "" }
if {$debug} { ns_log Notice "im_rest_authenticate: format=$format, basic_auth=$basic_auth, basic_auth_username=$basic_auth_username, basic_auth_password=$basic_auth_password, basic_auth_user_id=$basic_auth_user_id, basic_auth_password_ok_p=$basic_auth_password_ok_p" }
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Determine the user_id from cookie.
# Work around missing ns_conn user_id values in PUT and DELETE calls
set cookie_auth_user_id [im_rest_cookie_auth_user_id]
if {$debug} { ns_log Notice "im_rest_authenticate: cookie_auth_user_id=$cookie_auth_user_id" }
# Determine authentication method used
set auth_method ""
if {"" != $cookie_auth_user_id && 0 != $cookie_auth_user_id } { set auth_method "cookie" }
if {"" != $token_token} { set auth_method "token" }
if {"" != $basic_auth_user_id} { set auth_method "basic" }
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Check if one of the methods was successful...
switch $auth_method {
cookie { set auth_user_id $cookie_auth_user_id }
token { set auth_user_id $token_user_id }
basic { set auth_user_id $basic_auth_user_id }
default {
return [im_rest_error -format $format -http_status 401 -message "No authentication found ('$auth_method')."]
ns_log Notice "im_rest_authenticate: format=$format, auth_method=$auth_method, auth_user_id=$auth_user_id"
return [list user_id $auth_user_id method $auth_method]
......@@ -58,150 +58,6 @@ ad_proc -private im_rest_call_delete {} {
ad_proc -private im_rest_cookie_auth_user_id {
{-debug 1}
} {
Determine the user_id even if ns_conn doesn't work
in a HTTP PUT call
} {
# Get the user_id from the ad_user_login cookie
set header_vars [ns_conn headers]
set cookie_string [ns_set get $header_vars Cookie]
set cookie_list [split $cookie_string ";"]
array set cookie_hash {}
foreach l $cookie_list {
if {[regexp {([^ =]+)\=(.+)} $l match key value]} {
set key [ns_urldecode [string trim $key]]
set value [ns_urldecode [string trim $value]]
ns_log Notice "im_rest_cookie_auth_user_id: key=$key, value=$value"
set cookie_hash($key) $value
set rest_user_id ""
if {[info exists cookie_hash(ad_session_id)]} {
set ad_session_id $cookie_hash(ad_session_id)
ns_log Notice "im_rest_cookie_auth_user_id: ad_session_id=$ad_session_id"
set rest_user_id ""
catch { set rest_user_id [ad_conn user_id] }
if {"" != $rest_user_id} {
ns_log Notice "im_rest_cookie_auth_user_id: found authenthicated rest_user_id: storing into cache"
ns_cache set im_rest $ad_session_id $rest_user_id
return $rest_user_id
if {[ns_cache get im_rest $ad_session_id value]} {
ns_log Notice "im_rest_cookie_auth_user_id: Didn't find authenticated rest_user_id: returning cached value"
return $value
if {[info exists cookie_hash(ad_user_login)]} {
set ad_user_login $cookie_hash(ad_user_login)
ns_log Notice "im_rest_cookie_auth_user_id: ad_user_login=$ad_user_login"
set rest_user_id ""
catch { set rest_user_id [ad_conn user_id] }
if {"" != $rest_user_id} {
ns_log Notice "im_rest_cookie_auth_user_id: found authenticated rest_user_id: storing into cache"
ns_cache set im_rest $ad_user_login $rest_user_id
return $rest_user_id
if {[ns_cache get im_rest $ad_user_login value]} {
ns_log Notice "im_rest_cookie_auth_user_id: Didn't find authenticated rest_user_id: returning cached value"
return $value
ns_log Notice "im_rest_cookie_auth_user_id: Didn't find any information, returning {}"
return ""
ad_proc -private im_rest_authenticate {
{-debug 1}
{-format "json" }
} {
Determine the authenticated user
} {
array set query_hash $query_hash_pairs
set header_vars [ns_conn headers]
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Check for token authentication
set token_user_id ""
set token_token ""
if {[info exists query_hash(user_id)]} { set token_user_id $query_hash(user_id)}
if {[info exists query_hash(auth_token)]} { set token_token $query_hash(auth_token)}
if {[info exists query_hash(auto_login)]} { set token_token $query_hash(auto_login)}
# Check if the token fits the user
if {"" != $token_user_id && "" != $token_token} {
if {![im_valid_auto_login_p -user_id $token_user_id -auto_login $token_token -check_user_requires_manual_login_p 0]} {
set token_user_id ""
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Check for HTTP "basic" authorization
# Example: Authorization=Basic cHJvam9wOi5mcmFiZXI=
set basic_auth [ns_set get $header_vars "Authorization"]
set basic_auth_userpass ""
set basic_auth_username ""
set basic_auth_password ""
if {[regexp {^([a-zA-Z_]+)\ (.*)$} $basic_auth match method userpass_base64]} {
set basic_auth_userpass [base64::decode $userpass_base64]
regexp {^([^\:]+)\:(.*)$} $basic_auth_userpass match basic_auth_username basic_auth_password
if {$debug} { ns_log Notice "im_rest_authenticate: basic_auth: basic_auth_username=$basic_auth_username, basic_auth_password=$basic_auth_password" }
} else {
ns_log Notice "im_rest_authenticate: basic_auth: basic_auth=$basic_auth does not match with regexp"
set basic_auth_user_id [db_string userid "select user_id from users where lower(username) = lower(:basic_auth_username)" -default ""]
if {"" == $basic_auth_user_id} {
set basic_auth_user_id [db_string userid "select party_id from parties where lower(email) = lower(:basic_auth_username)" -default ""]
set basic_auth_password_ok_p undefined
if {"" != $basic_auth_user_id} {
set basic_auth_password_ok_p [ad_check_password $basic_auth_user_id $basic_auth_password]
if {!$basic_auth_password_ok_p} { set basic_auth_user_id "" }
if {$debug} { ns_log Notice "im_rest_authenticate: format=$format, basic_auth=$basic_auth, basic_auth_username=$basic_auth_username, basic_auth_password=$basic_auth_password, basic_auth_user_id=$basic_auth_user_id, basic_auth_password_ok_p=$basic_auth_password_ok_p" }
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Determine the user_id from cookie.
# Work around missing ns_conn user_id values in PUT and DELETE calls
set cookie_auth_user_id [im_rest_cookie_auth_user_id]
# Determine authentication method used
set auth_method ""
if {"" != $cookie_auth_user_id && 0 != $cookie_auth_user_id } { set auth_method "cookie" }
if {"" != $token_token} { set auth_method "token" }
if {"" != $basic_auth_user_id} { set auth_method "basic" }
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Check if one of the methods was successful...
switch $auth_method {
cookie { set auth_user_id $cookie_auth_user_id }
token { set auth_user_id $token_user_id }
basic { set auth_user_id $basic_auth_user_id }
default {
return [im_rest_error -format $format -http_status 401 -message "No authentication found ('$auth_method')."]
ns_log Notice "im_rest_authenticate: format=$format, auth_method=$auth_method, auth_user_id=$auth_user_id"
return [list user_id $auth_user_id method $auth_method]
ad_proc -private im_rest_call_get {
{-http_method GET }
{-format "json" }
......@@ -240,6 +96,8 @@ ad_proc -private im_rest_call_get {
if {0 == [llength [array get auth_hash]]} { return [im_rest_error -format $format -http_status 401 -message "Not authenticated"] }
set auth_user_id $auth_hash(user_id)
set auth_method $auth_hash(method)
ns_log Notice "im_rest_call_get: method=$http_method, format=$format, user_id=$auth_user_id, query_hash=[array get query_hash]"
if {"" == $auth_user_id} { return [im_rest_error -format $format -http_status 401 -message "Not authenticated"] }
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