Commit 2782fb92 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- replaced new(...) by $new(...)

- Beautified
parent 2da89a75
......@@ -13,8 +13,7 @@ SELECT im_rule__new(
'[db_string task_start_notification_cond "
select count(*) from im_timesheet_tasks t, im_projects p where
t.task_id = p.project_id and
t.task_id = new(task_id) and
t.task_id = p.project_id and t.task_id = $new(task_id) and
0 == (select count(*) from im_rule_logs where rule_log_object_id = t.task_id and rule_log_error_source = ''task_start_notification'') and
p.start_date <= now() and p.end_date >= now()
......@@ -22,9 +21,16 @@ p.start_date <= now() and p.end_date >= now()
update im_rules set
rule_sort_order = 20,
rule_action_tcl = 'insert into rule_logs (rule_log_object_id, rule_log_rule_id, rule_log_user_id, rule_log_ip, rule_log_error_source, rule_log_error_statement, rule_log_error_message, rule_log_error_env) values (new(task_id), new(rule_id), new(user_id), '''', ''task_start_notification'', ''-'', ''ok'', ''-'')',
rule_action_tcl = 'insert into rule_logs (
rule_log_object_id, rule_log_rule_id, rule_log_user_id,
rule_log_ip, rule_log_error_source, rule_log_error_statement,
rule_log_error_message, rule_log_error_env
) values (
$new(task_id), $new(rule_id), $new(user_id),
'''', ''task_start_notification'', ''-'',
''ok'', ''-'')',
rule_action_email_to_tcl = 'db_list members "select email from parties where party_id in (select object_id_two from acs_rels where object_id_one = $new(task_id))"',
rule_action_email_subject = 'Task new(project_name) starts now',
rule_action_email_subject = 'Task $new(project_name) starts now',
rule_action_email_body = 'Dear $first_names,
Your project or task: $new(project_name)
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