Commit 7a82c3af authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- Committing old ASUS code

parent 12f4f12d
The ASUS (Automatic Software Update Service) allows you to
update system components in a semiautomatic way.
Please see <a href="user-agreement">terms and conditions</a>.
You will need to go through the following steps in order to
setup your ASUS account:
<li>Create an account for yourself (email).
<li>Register this system as your @po;noquote@ server.
<li>Create a company for yourself.
<tr class=rowtitle>
<td class=rowtitle><%= [lang::message::lookup "" intranet-security-update-client.User_Account "Category"] %></td>
<td class=rowtitle><%= [lang::message::lookup "" intranet-security-update-client.User_Account "Value"] %></td>
<td class=rowtitle><%= [lang::message::lookup "" intranet-security-update-client.User_Account "Status"] %></td>
<td class=rowtitle><%= [lang::message::lookup "" intranet-security-update-client.User_Account "Action"] %></td>
<if "unknown" eq @user_account_status@>
<td><%= [lang::message::lookup "" intranet-security-update-client.Your_Email "Your<br>Email"] %></td>
<td><a class="button" href="@create_account_url;noquote@">Create User Account</a>
<if "exists" eq @user_account_status@>
<td><%= [lang::message::lookup "" intranet-security-update-client.Your_Email "Your<br>Email"] %></td>
<form action="@login_url;noquote@" method=GET>
<input type=hidden name=email value="@email;noquote@">
<input type=password name=password value="">
<input type=submit value="Login">
<td><%= [lang::message::lookup "" intranet-security-update-client.Your_System "Your<br>SystemID"] %></td>
<td><a class="button" href="@create_system_url;noquote@">Create System</a></td>
<td><%= [lang::message::lookup "" intranet-security-update-client.Your_Company "Your<br>Company"] %></td>
<td><a class="button" href="">Create Company</a>
<td><%= [lang::message::lookup "" intranet-security-update-client.Your_Company "Your<br>Contract"] %></td>
<td><a class="button" href="">Create Contract</a></td>
# /packages/intranet-security-update-client/www/asus-status.tcl
# Copyright (C) 2003 - 2009 ]project-open[
# All rights reserved. Please check
# for details.
ad_page_contract {
Show the status of the user's ASUS account
} {
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
set page_title [lang::message::lookup "" intranet-security-update-client.Account_Status "Account Status"]
set po_server ""
set po "&#93;project-open&#91;"
set current_url [ns_conn url]
set system_id [im_system_id]
set current_user_id [ad_maybe_redirect_for_registration]
db_0or1row user_info "
select *
from cc_users
where user_id = :current_user_id
db_0or1row company_info "
select company_id,
from im_companies
where company_path = 'internal'
set contract_end_date ""
set user_account_status "unknown"
set user_account_status "exists"
set system_status "unknown"
set company_status "unknown"
set contract_status "unknown"
set create_account_url [export_vars -base "$po_server/register/user-new" {{return_url $current_url}}]
set create_system_url [export_vars -base "$po_server/" {}]
set login_url [export_vars -base "$po_server/register/login" {}]
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