Commit 516557d6 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- Added Dutch translation from Promista

parent 3687abb9
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<message_catalog package_key="intranet-simple-survey" locale="nl_NL" charset="ISO-8859-1">
<msg key="Context">Context</msg>
<msg key="Date">Datum</msg>
<msg key="Entered_By">Ingevoerd door</msg>
<msg key="One_Response">Een antwoord</msg>
<msg key="Project_Report_Help">Stoplicht rapportage help</msg>
<msg key="Project_Report_Help_Blurb">This report shows the &#39;traffic light&#39; status of project reports from the last 60 days.
&lt;li&gt;Hold your mouse over the colored dots to see the corresponding status question.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Click on one of the colored dots to see the full status report.&lt;/li&gt;
System administrators can configure the project status report categories in the Admin -&amp;gt; Simple Survey section.</msg>
<msg key="Project_Reports">Project rapporten</msg>
<msg key="Simple_Survey_Results">Eenvoudig onderzoek - resultaten</msg>
<msg key="Simple_Surveys">Eenvoudige onderzoeken</msg>
<msg key="Survey">Onderzoek</msg>
<msg key="Take_a_Survey">Doe een onderzoek</msg>
<msg key="Traffic_Light_Report">Stoplicht rapportage</msg>
<msg key="Week">Week</msg>
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