Commit 7faf6288 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- SLA Management:

  Fixed merge conflict
parent 3030f023
......@@ -641,10 +641,12 @@ ad_proc -public im_sla_ticket_solution_time_sweeper_helper {
# Write the affected groups into a hash
set groups [list]
if {$debug_p} {
ns_log Notice "sweeper: [array get labour_start_groups_{$ticket_id} $labour_start_epoch]"
ns_log Notice "sweeper: [array get labour_start_groups_{$ticket_id}]"
if {[info exists labour_start_groups_{$ticket_id}($labour_start_epoch)]} { set groups [array get labour_start_groups_{$ticket_id} $labour_start_epoch] }
lappend groups $gid
set labour_start_groups_{$ticket_id}($labour_start_epoch) $groups
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