Commit 36610e5a authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- Hour Intervals:

  Modified the trigger function in order to create comments with start and
  end time
parent b78e78de
......@@ -83,8 +83,7 @@ create index im_hour_intervals_interval_start_idx on im_hour_intervals(interval_
-- Trigger for synchronization between intervals and hours
-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- Create a new im_hour row for the interval or update
-- an existing one.
-- Create a new im_hour row for the interval or update an existing one.
create or replace function im_hour_interval_update_im_hours (integer, integer, date)
returns integer as $body$
......@@ -128,11 +127,13 @@ BEGIN
v_sum_hours := v_sum_hours +
coalesce(extract(epoch from row.interval_end - row.interval_start) / 3600.0, 0.0);
IF '' != v_sum_notes THEN v_sum_notes := v_sum_notes || ', ';
IF '' != v_sum_notes THEN
v_sum_notes := v_sum_notes || ', ';
v_sum_notes := v_sum_notes ||
to_char(interval_start, 'HH24:MI') || '-' ||
to_char(interval_end, 'HH24:MI') || ': ' ||
coalesce(row.note, '');
to_char(row.interval_start, 'HH24:MI') || '-' ||
to_char(row.interval_end, 'HH24:MI') || ': ' ||
translate(coalesce(row.note, ''), ',:', '.;');
-- Update the im_hours entry with the sum of the values
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