Commit 54115ba4 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- GanttProject checking day

parent 0786344b
......@@ -15,15 +15,123 @@ foreach old_id $task_id {
if {[info exists assign_to($old_id)]} {
set new_id $assign_to($old_id)
db_dml move_hours "UPDATE im_hours SET project_id=:new_id WHERE project_id=:old_id"
db_dml move_dependencies_one "UPDATE im_timesheet_task_dependencies SET task_id_one=:new_id WHERE task_id_one=:old_id"
db_dml move_dependencies_two "UPDATE im_timesheet_task_dependencies SET task_id_two=:new_id WHERE task_id_two=:old_id"
# Delete dependencies. This may "split" the Gantt-network, but
# everything else would cause very funny results, probably.
db_dml del_dependencies_one "DELETE from im_timesheet_task_dependencies WHERE task_id_one = :old_id"
db_dml del_dependencies_two "DELETE from im_timesheet_task_dependencies WHERE task_id_two = :old_id"
db_dml move_children "UPDATE im_projects SET parent_id=:new_id WHERE parent_id=:old_id"
# Join logged hours.
# This is complicated, because a user can only log 1 record per day and project.
# We start by getting all the hours to move and then we add them to the new
# ones. We need to get a list_of_lists first, because we're going to delete stuff
# inside the loop then.
set old_hours_list_list [db_list_of_lists old_hours "
select h.user_id as old_user_id,
h.project_id as old_project_id, as old_day,
h.hours as old_hours,
h.billing_rate as old_billing_rate,
h.billing_currency as old_billing_currency,
h.note as old_note,
h.cost_id as old_cost_id
from im_hours h
where h.project_id = :old_id
foreach hours_tuple $old_hours_list_list {
set old_user_id [lindex $hours_tuple 0]
set old_project_id [lindex $hours_tuple 1]
set old_day [lindex $hours_tuple 2]
set old_hours [lindex $hours_tuple 3]
set old_billing_rate [lindex $hours_tuple 4]
set old_billing_currency [lindex $hours_tuple 5]
set old_note [lindex $hours_tuple 6]
set old_cost_id [lindex $hours_tuple 7]
ns_log Notice "task-delete: old_user_id=$old_user_id, old_project_id=$old_project_id, old_day=$old_day, old_hours=$old_hours, old_billing_rate=$old_billing_rate, old_billing_currency=$old_billing_currency, old_note=$old_note, old_cost_id=$old_cost_id"
# Reset the cost_id record of im_hours to null so that we can del the cost item
# and delete the cost item. The Timesheet sweeper will take care of it afterwards.
db_dml nul_cost_item "
update im_hours
set cost_id = null
where user_id = :old_user_id
and project_id = :old_project_id
and day = :old_day
db_list del_cost_item "select im_cost__delete(cost_id) from im_costs where cost_id = :old_cost_id"
# Get the logged hours of the new task (if there were logged hours)
set new_hours 0
set new_note ""
set new_cost_id 0
set new_exists_p 0
db_0or1row new_hours "
select h.hours as new_hours,
h.note as new_note,
h.cost_id as new_cost_id,
1 as new_exists_p
from im_hours h
where h.user_id = :old_user_id
and h.project_id = :new_id
and = :old_day
# Reset the cost_id record of im_hours to null so that we can del the cost item
# and delete the cost item. The Timesheet sweeper will take care of it afterwards.
db_dml nul_cost_item "
update im_hours
set cost_id = null
where user_id = :old_user_id
and project_id = :new_id
and day = :old_day
db_list del_cost_item "select im_cost__delete(cost_id) from im_costs where cost_id = :new_cost_id"
# Delete the "new" im_hours entries (if exists)
db_dml del_new_hours "
delete from im_hours
where user_id = :old_user_id
and project_id = :old_project_id
and day = :old_day
set hours [expr $old_hours + $new_hours]
set note [string trim [join [list $old_note $new_note] " "]]
# Insert a new im_hours entry with the summed up hours
db_dml insert "
insert into im_hours (user_id, project_id, day, hours, billing_rate, billing_currency, note)
values (:old_user_id, :old_project_id, :old_day, :hours, :old_billing_rate, :old_billing_currency, :note)
# Delete the old im_hours entries.
db_dml del_hours "delete from im_hours where project_id = :old_id"
# Move sub-projects and sub-tasks to the new project.
# Financial caches are updated automatically (nice test for the trigger, actually...)
db_dml move_children "UPDATE im_projects SET parent_id = :new_id WHERE parent_id = :old_id"
# Delete membership relationships
# The old task is gone, so user assignments to that task are also gone. Right?
set rel_ids [db_list rels "select rel_id from acs_rels where object_id_one = :old_id"]
foreach rel_id $rel_ids {
ns_log Notice "task-delete: acs_object__delete($rel_id)"
db_string del_rel "select acs_object__delete(:rel_id)"
# Move cost information
db_dml move_costs "UPDATE im_costs SET project_id = :new_id WHERE project_id = :old_id"
# ToDo: cost-project relationships with acs_rels
db_dml move_resources "UPDATE acs_rels SET object_id_one=:new_id WHERE object_id_one=:old_id"
# Create the necessary cost items for the timesheet hours
im_timesheet2_sync_timesheet_costs -project_id $project_id
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